Anyone at W2D1???

I've started and restarted this process at least 3 times now, and end up falling off the wagon each time. I need accountability partners...would anyone care to join me?? You don't necessarily have to be at the same point.


  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Hey :) I just did WK2 Day Two, I'll be running again on Thursday. I'm happy to partner up.
  • missanglang
    missanglang Posts: 22 Member
    did week 2 day 1 this morning. won't be able to do day 2 until wed. probably. last fall i did it and was on week 5 then got sick and quit. it is much harder this time. idk if it's because of the heat or the extra 20 lbs i've found but i will do this and so will you!
  • crystaljelks
    crystaljelks Posts: 5 Member
    Fantastic!! I plan to run again tomorrow...wish me luck!!
  • missanglang
    missanglang Posts: 22 Member
    get it girl!
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    I'll be doing W2D1 tomorrow :D
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm on W2D3 :) Keep it up everyone!
  • luvmycats6197
    luvmycats6197 Posts: 45 Member
    I will be starting W2D1 today. After doing week 1, day 2, I actually found myself looking forward to week 1 day 3 --which I did Sunday, and then since Sunday, I've been eagerly awaiting today so I could do W2D1!! I can't believe it--because I've never been a jogger/runner and I can't believe how much I've been looking forward to doing these. I think the key is doing the running/jogging intervals slowly--as they say in the treadmill version, if you can jog any slower, you're going too fast! (I'm doing this outside, but I looked it up in case I wanted to do it inside on my treadmill.--much prefer being outdoors!) And this philosophy has helped me ease into it, enjoy it, and find that I can be successful at it! And, I don't injure myself or feel about ready to die and then defeat myself mentally!
  • crystaljelks
    crystaljelks Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all of the encouragement!!! I actually did W2D2 on Monday, and plan to do W2D3 on Thursday. Hope everyone else is remaining committed as well....WE CAN DO THIS!!!! :happy:
  • luvmycats6197
    luvmycats6197 Posts: 45 Member
    Great! I did W2D1 yesterday and it was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. I just have to remember that the jog/run intervals are supposed to be slow to ease into it and if I can go slower, then I need to. This is how I will not feel defeated, and how I will not injure myself! We'll see how W2D2 goes tomorrow!! (Everyone's got me scared about W5D3 though!!)
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks for all of the encouragement!!! I actually did W2D2 on Monday, and plan to do W2D3 on Thursday. Hope everyone else is remaining committed as well....WE CAN DO THIS!!!! :happy:

    We seem to be on the same schedule. Happy W2D3 tomorrow (Thursday!). We GOT THIS!
  • missanglang
    missanglang Posts: 22 Member
    Did w2d2 this morning. Felt good. My calf was tight the whole time but finally loosened up during my cool down. I'll have to do extra stretches going forward. I'm on vacation the next week but that should make it easier to do w2d3 on saturday and w3d1 on monday. another runner this morning clapped for me, man that rocked. remember to be encouraging if you meet up with any runners while you are out!!!!
  • grecogab90
    grecogab90 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm almost there, I am doing week one day 3 tonight! I wonder what next week will be like!
  • luvmycats6197
    luvmycats6197 Posts: 45 Member
    I have W2D3 tomorrow morning.
  • crystaljelks
    crystaljelks Posts: 5 Member
    Soooo, I finally did W2D3 yesterday. It went surprisingly well!! I'm looking forward to W3D1 tomorrow. I know my schedule is all off, but oh well, I figure it doesn't matter that much, as long as I'm making steady progress. How's everybody else doing??
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I start my week 2 tomorrow :)
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    W3D3 tonight after work. I'm loving it! I find myself wanting to continue going when the cool down starts....and so I have been. I've been doing the 5k distance each workout. I figured why stop at 28/30/31 minutes. I'm one of those that *needs* to know where I started at. Currently it's taking me 44:33 to finish the 5k. I'm still doing quite a bit of intervals of walking/running though. I'm nervous for week 4 when there are 5 minute running segments!

    Great job everyone! I love having this board to check in with other newbies.
  • crystaljelks
    crystaljelks Posts: 5 Member
    Soooo, I haven't been as diligent as I should, and have only completed up to W3D2. I plan to complete W3D3 on Friday. I've been mixing Zumba in with my running workouts, as I only work out on MWF, but now see that I'm going to need to suck it up and add a 4th exercise day so that I can still do Zumba, yet stay on target with my running schedule. Time is quickly ticking, and I'd like to participate in a 5K in November...I need to step it up RIGHT AWAY!!! :frown:
  • jessc4343
    jessc4343 Posts: 214 Member
    ... (Everyone's got me scared about W5D3 though!!)

    I've done W5D2 twice now just avoid it day 3.

    Wellll, sort of for the that reason. I've noticed that I'm actually sticking to the program this time around by doubling up on weeks or days and not pushing it - for both physical and mental reasons :)
  • Pattic62
    Pattic62 Posts: 1 Member
    I just found this program! Started it today W1D1 under my belt! I love the phone app!
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    W3D3 done today. Slow and steady, but moving ahead. Scared of week 4. Not sure I can sustain a 5 minute jog.