I would like to know the importance of the macros?

amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
So how important is it to hit the different macros? Will it effect us in the long run? They just really confuse me. I know I do good to make sure I hit them reasonably well, but I'll admit it can become quite tiresome and every now and then they will be way off. Usually with fat and carbs and occasionally protein depending on the day. What are the effects of getting them all bent out of shape?

I'm just really curious to know :)


    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    If you program them in before the day starts, it will be easier.
    Eat at least your LBW in grams of protein (if LBW=120, then 120 grams in protein), more if you're trying to build muscle.
    Then add your carbs, fats last.
    Most people are eating 30% protein, 30% fats, 40% carbs.

    If you're off a little no sweat, go look at other member's diaries for ideas!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    The Protein level is important to be met either if you are on cut to help to preserve your muscle and if you are on bulk to build new muscle. If you try to meet your protein levels first, then usually the other macros will be met easily too.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Is a certain ratio important though? Somedays I can have 40% on carbs and then another day only have like 28%. I'm not really worried about it. Just curious on how important it all is. I do try and stick with the 40/30/30. I'm usually really good to be sure protein is up. I have to be careful with my carbs, though, because I'm not afraid of carbs. Bread and Oatbran are delicious! If I don't keep an eye out I will eat that a lot and then my fat will be down. Or if I have a day where very lite food is available for me to eat my fat generally goes way up because it's so caloric :) (healthy fats, though!)