Can some people just not eat carbs and lose

Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
FOR REAL. !!! I did a reset, 8wks, then cut to 15% of bodybugg TDEE . Did NROLFW, threw walking as cardio back in, eat those cals, Not working. The reason I did the reset is bc I've been low carb for a while, with binges here n there. I'm thinking maybe go back to low carb, some people want to give up & go VLCD, idk what to do. I hate to throw in the towel , but I'm 10lbs heavier from the reset & trying to be off chloesterol meds. What to do, my whole summer feels wasted in false hopes of weight loss, a slap in the face to people asking how my bodybuggs working when they can see I'm not shrinking. I'm sure others have been here, but when do you cut your losses? I took a break from exercise today, and didn't log food since lunch yesterday,I haven't missed logging for a long time, I just feel burnt out, but now that I'm putting this into words, maybe it's the lack of carbs in the last few days that's got me so ....ready to give up ????


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I know it can be frustrating.
    I am right there with you-up 10 lbs from the reset and two weeks into cut-no loss. But I do feel much better and my Jeans are starting to fit better again. It is a process that needs time. It may work for some quickly, but not for others.
    I personally can't do low carb.
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    Your not alone!!
    I went back to my Primal eating! I am still trying to keep my calories at cut but my carbs low! I feel that my body responds best when I eat less carbs! I start week 3 tomorrow and I actually think this is helping me! I am having trouble eating at cut and found a few days I just wasn't hungry enough to put more calories in, thanks to the good fats I ingest! The scale has gone down!! But I won't call it a victory until after TOM! Anywho I do feel better once the carb flu went away!

  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I have been on a plateau for months. During a lot of that time I was eating about 40 net grams of carbs. For me, low carb doesn't = weight loss. If it has worked for you in the past then it might be a good approach. It doesn't mean you have to eat super low cal though.