Reset results!

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
Today is my first official day of cut! Here are my reset results:

I started reset on June 10, 2012. I didn't measure or take pictures, but I weighed 153.8 pounds. Per scooby, with my 5-6 hours of strenuous activity a week, I started eating 2655 calories a day. I went through some pretty dark days during the reset, with some huge (1000-2000 cals+) binges. My exercise started at 6 days a week cardio that I then switched to 5 days a week, 65 minutes each, usually split between the elliptical and the arc trainer.

A week ago Friday I went on vacation - well, to my parent's house. I ran a 7 mile race a week ago Saturday and have not done any formal exercise since, since I've heard the recommendation of taking a full rest week from exercise before cutting. I tried to still meet my TDEE goal but I think the only day I met it was Saturday night, when I went over TDEE in alcohol. Yesterday I spent on the road driving back home and only logged about 2000 calories, the lowest I've eaten in months.

This morning... scale said 158.2. It didn't even phase me. I weighed myself on my parent's scale last week and hovered around the 154 line (their scale is old and analog). Maybe the 4.2 pounds is water weight, excessive sodium from eating out so much all week, the result of not working out, the result of traveling, leftover from drinking way too much with old friends on Saturday, the fact that TOM is approaching...

but, honestly, the important thing is: I ate 2655 calories. That's TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE calories. For 2 months. And probably, more times than not, I ate OVER 2655. And there is only a 4.4 pound difference on the scale. Not sure about you guys, but that seems pretty amazing to me.

So, in a nutshell: started MFP in early May at 148 with a goal of 145. Was inadvertantly eating at cut value, for the most part (eating MFP's rec + exercise calories). Started reset in June at 154. Today, weigh 158. the scale says it's 10 pounds in two months but it's so much more than that.

anyways, now I'm torn. I don't want to work out 5-6 hours a week anymore, so I want to go down to moderate. I've changed my goal to the full TDEE for moderate activity, which is 2385/day. I originally planned on eating this for 2 weeks to stabilize a bit before cutting. but then I read NROLFW and want to start that. By their calculations, to maintain, I should eat 2140 on non workout days and 2335 on workout days. This is pretty close to my cut/full TDEE value via scooby. I just don't know if I should go by TDEE numbers with cut, or do the book's guidelines for eating. what I do know is that I don't want to do over-excessive cardio ever again. and although I don't like seeing 158 on the scale, I'm hoping that a) I'll either lose the weight and get closer to my goal, even if it's slow, or b) I'll be successful with NROLFW and weigh in the 150's but LOOK like I weigh less. I think either one would be fine with me :)


  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    First off Congrats!!! What great results you have!!

    When I started NROLFW I did the back and forth of calorie eating and it got to be sooo frustrating. So I took my TDEE from Scooby and did that instead and ate the same amount each day. I found it to be easier and more satisfying, due to the fact that I was starving on non workout days!
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Great job on sticking through the reset!

    I'm almost done with stage 3 of NROLFW and I don't follow the up/down calories. I too just eat consistently each day and I used scooby to calculate and then went with a 15% cut. I also have a BMF and was able to confirm a good calorie goal with that as well-which was pretty in line with scooby.

    I love NROLFW. I have lost pretty much nothing but have dropped 2 sizes- plus I feel so strong! I think you'll enjoy it.