Holy Calories Batman!

2186 calories a day for maintenance based on the formulas in the book? Wow...

I just don't know how to eat that many calories without eating bad stuff...like cake...or pizza. When I'm not focused on eating the right stuff, 2200 calories is no problem at all. I've been sitting here adding foods that I know I have access to today to try to get to 2186 and still hit my macros. Thank you to all of you who have let me add you as friends because I have been stalking your diaries to get ideas for high protein options.

And then since I worked out today I'm supposed to add back my workout calories?

Not sure if it matters but I'm 5'8 and 203 lbs. I lost around 25 lbs on a VLCD from Jan-Apr this year and since May I've been eating pretty much whatever I want (which wasn't good stuff) and working out 5-6 days a week (mostly cardio). I lost another 7 lbs doing that. I'm starting NROL4W because I'm tired of worrying about the number on the scale and I want to be healthier and stronger. Eventually I'd love to lose another 30 or so lbs, but I'm more focused on dropping inches and clothes sizes.

Since I've been eating over maintenance for a few months already, should I do the 4 weeks at maintenance or start out with a cut? For those who are doing a cut, do you eat back your calories on workout days?


  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I would do maintenance for at least 4 weeks. You may have been eating but since it probably wasn't good stuff you might want to let your body adjust. Sometimes its good, also, to let your mind adjust if you're anything like me. I have a habit of eating what I want, but then going super low calorie out of guilt to make up for it. You (and anyone else ) also might want to visit the Eat More 2 Weigh Less group because there is a really good list of what to expect when you up your calories. I would suggest things like nuts, avacodos, good oils like olive or canola, full fat sour cream or cottage cheese, things like that. If you normally drink skim or low fat milk, maybe go up to 2% or whole.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    No, do not eat back exercise calories if you are going by TDEE. TDEE already includes the calories you burn during exercise.

    Do not add junk, try adding a serving or two of nuts or almond butter, some fruit or healthy grains. I think if you are eating those things you'll find that you don't really have room for the junk food.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Look for high protein higher calorie foods.. no diet, no lite, full fat, full flavour items.

  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    Yeah, I had been maintaining around 1600 calories, so upping to 2250 on workout days is a big jump for me too. However, I tend to struggle getting enough protein so basically I've tried to just add high protein foods to fill in the additional calories, like greek yogurt, eggs, meat, protein powder with soymilk (2x daily). Those things alone helped me to fill in the additional calories and also make sure I''m hitting my protein macros daily. I'm going to stick with the calorie plan for the entire phase 1 and then assess where I'm at.