A1C 5.5



  • terrymbradley

    Have you seen a dietician?

    If you haven't been to a diabetes class it might be helpful to attend. They will answer a lot of your questions and explain how to eat etc. As always, you can ask here too. There are lots of supportive people.

    Great job to all those that reduced their Hga1c numbers. I've also been able to reduce mine from 10.1 to 5.9 and credit most of it to using MFP.

    I couldn't agree more with the above quote. Wish I had been to Diabetes Education class 20 years sooner. It was very informative and is a great place to get questions answers that you have and even to know what questions to ask.

    My doctor said to me about 15 years ago..."what you do today will affect your quality of life 10, 15, 20 years from now"...IF ONLY I HAD LISTENED. Maybe I'd be able to feel my feet today. They are so numb from neuropathy that I can get an injection in my big toe and not even feel it. So far foot problems are my only visible complication, but it's a biggie.

    Mrs. Law...you're on the right track. Keep up the great work...it'll pay off!

    I to have the Foot Neuropathy and wish I would have listened better 10 years ago... My last A1C in June was 10.5 they just drew my blood today so we will see. I have got my numbers down from in low 200 to a 120 average now so I am headed in the right direction. Don't think I will see the so called 5.5 club but anything lower will be good.

    So congrat's to all of you than have been able to lower your A1C great job keep up the good work.........

  • psv1012
    psv1012 Posts: 65 Member
    Congratulations ! That is quite an accomplishment :)
  • Lissa_M
    Lissa_M Posts: 131
    Grats!!! I am working my way towards 5.5!

    This time last year my A1C was 10.2, I was on 900+ units of insulin a day and oral meds. My A1C last week was 6.6 and I am down to 110 units of insulin a day and no oral meds. I developed age onset at 23 and have been insulin dependent for over a decade. Its taken me a long time to get serious about my diabetes/weight loss, but now I am getting it done!
  • Gbelk1
    Gbelk1 Posts: 32 Member
  • pbourret
    pbourret Posts: 8 Member
    Just a note on my experience with dieticians. Most follow the ADA recommendations which call for 55-65% carbs in your diet. I tried following this for years and only got fatter, had higher blood sugar, and received all kinds of new drugs to take with little to no effect.

    I can't say enough about restricting carbohydrates. In many ways, diabetes is all about glucose intolerance....so cutting out the glucose by eating less sugar and starch is the way to go. Since I did this, I have lost 40 lbs, reduced my A1C from 8 to 6 and was able to eliminate some meds. My ultimate goal is to get off of my blood sugar medications entirely. It is tough work after years of having high sugar, but I am committed to it.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    You deserve great credit on your success and you're right about some of the dietry advice we are given which needs to be treated with some discerment as you have found out. The only qualification I would make is to advocate a focus on complex carbs rather than a straight forward reduction of all carbs. It's unclear from your post just what level of carbs you are following or whether your focus is already on complex carbs. Nevertheless you deserve credit for the improvement you have achieved, well done.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    Just a note on my experience with dieticians. Most follow the ADA recommendations which call for 55-65% carbs in your diet. I tried following this for years and only got fatter, had higher blood sugar, and received all kinds of new drugs to take with little to no effect.

    I can't say enough about restricting carbohydrates. In many ways, diabetes is all about glucose intolerance....so cutting out the glucose by eating less sugar and starch is the way to go. Since I did this, I have lost 40 lbs, reduced my A1C from 8 to 6 and was able to eliminate some meds. My ultimate goal is to get off of my blood sugar medications entirely. It is tough work after years of having high sugar, but I am committed to it.

    Couldnt agree more. Luckily my endocrinologist is up to date and very keen to restrict starchy carbs and processed sugars. It works. I was diagnosed in June and ate what he told me too from then - and have lost 56lbs in those 4 months or so. My medications have dropped, my sugars have dropped and I am also in the 5.5 club :)
  • pbourret
    pbourret Posts: 8 Member
    You deserve great credit on your success and you're right about some of the dietry advice we are given which needs to be treated with some discerment as you have found out. The only qualification I would make is to advocate a focus on complex carbs rather than a straight forward reduction of all carbs. It's unclear from your post just what level of carbs you are following or whether your focus is already on complex carbs. Nevertheless you deserve credit for the improvement you have achieved, well done.

    I try to stay to 50-75 g/day and to get my carbs from veggies - no grains. I find that even whole grain "goodness" spikes my glucose.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Just had my Annual Review today and the results of a recent A1c test showed that it had come down from 5.7 in August to 5.5. My cholestrol went up slightly but the Chol/HDL ratio was within normal range which was a real encouragement. Kidney function, thyroid etc are all normal. God has been gracious to me and I am truly thankful. I want to thank all those MFP friends who have helped, encouraged and offered helpful advice. I greatly appreciate your input.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Just had my Annual Review today and the results of a recent A1c test showed that it had come down from 5.7 in August to 5.5. My cholestrol went up slightly but the Chol/HDL ratio was within normal range which was a real encouragement. Kidney function, thyroid etc are all normal. God has been gracious to me and I am truly thankful. I want to thank all those MFP friends who have helped, encouraged and offered helpful advice. I greatly appreciate your input.

    Congratulations Robert! Reading your posts and humble advice to folks has been a real inspiration to me on MFP. I'm glad/happy/thrilled for you. And also just want to acknowledge how much selfless support you offer.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    This is great support for those of us still fairly new at it all. To show us that it can be reversed. Not meaning we no longer are diabetics because that we are for life. But that we can get in total control of our bodies.

    I seen some high readings yesterday that I didn't care for.. Hopefully I can see some low ones today.

    Thank you for all the positive input.

    Linda C