Just finished day 1 of 30. Hopefully I wont be too sore tomorrow. Good Luck .


  • I have this DVD sitting on the shelf collecting dust, but when I saw your group I thought "why not!" I will start tonight and hopefully will be able to continue without too much pain!
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    joining this group even though i am already on day 9. I hope to be done by the end of august. Just to give you all hope, it gets a little easier every day as your body gets used to it. I personally find the cardio the hardest. i hate cardio.
  • just1jules
    just1jules Posts: 26 Member
    I will be finishing up Level 1 this week. but would love to join you guys!
  • This is great! I just got my 30 Day Shred DVD in the mail Saturday - so I am super pumped to have a group to work through it and share progress with.

    My husband and I are going to begin this DVD tonight after we take all of the recommended measurements (yuck). I have been on MFP for a little over a month now and already have lost 10 lbs. I am hoping this DVD will help me with muscle confusion and give my body the extra kick it needs to keep up the momentum. If any of you that want to add me as a friend on MFP, feel free.

    I am excited to have this group of people to go through the routines with!

  • Eerinelizz
    Eerinelizz Posts: 114 Member
    I started at the end of July, but plan to do the DVD for the whole month of August. Then I will start Ripped in 30! I love 30 DS, and this will be my second time going through the workout. I definitely saw results last time, but then went back to my old ways. So here I go again!
  • I started this workout today and it was a little tough but im pretty excited to get through the levels and hopefully see a change! good luck all!
  • Loser79
    Loser79 Posts: 28 Member
    i attempted to join a group and do this before, but i missed it and just didn't have the drive to do it alone. i'm ready to start it for sure today. i'm glad today's day 1. i'm ready! good luck everybody!
  • Fortunecat1
    Fortunecat1 Posts: 62 Member
    I just started day 1 today and then saw this group! Yay us! I was definitely sweating by the end. Feels like a really good workout.

    I`m planning to only do 5 days a week though, so I`ll finish after some of you.
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    What a coincidence! I've had the DVD for a few years now, but have been too scared to even try it. Why? Because I know how tough Jillian can be. And, I have some Biggest Loser exercise DVD's with Bob. By looking at reviews, it looks like the 30 Day Shred is harder than the Biggest Loser DVD's, but the one Biggest Loser DVD that I've tried a few times KILLS my knees. There are so many lunges, and it's not too bad except for one part where you lunge and then kick your knee up and you do this over and over and over again like 20 times. I HATE IT! Well, last night I popped the 30 Day Shred into my DVD player and just watched the level one, and it doesn't look like it will hurt my knees as bad, especially if I do the modified version where you don't go down as far when doing squats and lunges. It's also not as repetitive as the Biggest Loser DVD, so I think I can do it. I'll start it tonight too.
  • Itssojen
    Itssojen Posts: 73 Member
    I finished day 4 today, and I could tell a difference in my endurance. I could do more push-ups and the set of crunches in the third circuit was a little less uncomfortable (just a little). I have noticed improvement in my arms already. I started C25K today as well, so we'll see how it all goes!
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    Okay. Day 1 is finished! That was harder than it looked, but it was still easier on the knees than that Biggest Loser video. I think I'm going to need to give that thing away!
  • sark1971
    sark1971 Posts: 83 Member
    I just finished day 2 of level 1. I hope I don't get bored by the same routine everyday though.

    Great workout though!
  • mrswlkerest08
    mrswlkerest08 Posts: 2 Member
    I just finished day 3 and while its too soon to see results I can say my endurance is getting better. I have started and stopped doing Power 90 with my husband more times than I can count. My husband is seeing results but I just can't get into it. I'm hoping to see better reults from this as I can already tell I enjoy Jillian much more than Tony.
  • iammegs
    iammegs Posts: 38 Member
    Glad to be able to join a group to know someone else, somewhere out there, is going through the same challenges and improvements as me. Looking forward to all the happy voices come Labor Day! ;)
  • mkenz1
    mkenz1 Posts: 20
    My roomie/fitness pal partner and I just finished the first workout!
    I love how each circut is so short! The first circut was killer but after the first one time started to fly by. Can't wait to start seeing the results!
    CW: 145
    GW by LD: 135
  • emfischer90
    emfischer90 Posts: 42 Member
    I am on day 5 of the first session. I find it motivating to turn the volume on the video down and crank up the volume on the own fav jams. I think it helps me from getting bored with it.