Back in the saddle again

AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
So after taking some time away from the program I'm back. I had decided to try SL as after 6 months I got bored with NR. Well, IMHO SL sucked. The whole point of SL is to increase your functional strength by leaps and bounds . . . I didn't increase ****. Well, I increased what I can lift 5 times in 5 moves, but not more than 5 times. After reviewing the program and looking at what other people had to say, I decided to jump in the middle of Stage 1 at the 10's and found that while I didn't lose anything with SL, I certainly didn't gain anything. All I can say is, it's good to be back. I made some real progress last time, so I'm hoping to do the same this time. Starting weights for round 2, at 10 reps:

Squat: 125
Seated row: 77
T push up: 15
Step up: 75

Deadlift: 145
Dumbbell shoulder press: 25
wide-grip lat pull down: 105
Lunge: 70 (stupid hand strength)
Swiss ball crunch: 35


    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Looks like you've got this! Welcome back!!!