I did it!!

girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
Yup, I finally, after injury and general useless lethargic laziness, have made it to the gym to carry our Stage 1 Workout A

I didn't quite do it right - I forgot about the whole alternating between sets in a couple of the moves (no wonder my muscles hurt on the bent-over row!!), and completely forgot the second set of jacknifes but, I'm just happy that I did it.

Felt a bit silly, the only girl in the free weights room but the guys in there didn't bother me. And then they didn't have a high enough step for the step ups (because it doesn't get used) so I had to wander through the whole gym to go upstairs to the ladies only room to find one - highest dumbells in there are 10kg so at some point there'll be a problem.

But my starting stats (I haven't yet taken any body measurements):

Squats - bar only, so whatever that weighs
bent-over row - bar only
push-ups - leaning against wall so I guess about 60 degrees
step-up - 7kg per hand (About 15lb per hand) - actually did 3 sets the first on too low a set.
jacknifes - only did one set and not proper form either

looking forward to the next workout already!!!!


  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    Good for you! Just getting the 1st one over with was the hardest for me. I was no stranger to my gym but it was intimidating to me knowing I was walking in to use the weights without a trainer telling me each and every thing to do. But I got through it and so did you!
  • just4u_cara
    just4u_cara Posts: 100 Member
    Yay!! I can't wait for my copy to get here in the mail. I already use some of the weights & machines at my gym, but it would be great to have a program to follow, rather than looking at all the exercise charts and wonder where to begin!

    I googled jackknifes, and thought OMG I'll never do those without a face-plant or ten! But I'm sure everyone has felt that once or twice when they start a new routine. Never expected to be able to jog on the treadmill, and I can do that now, for up to 90sec at a time :)

    Kudos to you :)
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Getting started is the hardest part, but you did it! I'm on stage one too, and the jackknifes did me in the first time. Now a few weeks into it and I'm much steadier on the ball (don't fall off) and can do up to 12....practice makes perfect!

    Make sure you do measurements and pictures soon, you'll really want to see the progression your body makes.

    Keep it up, you're gonna be fabulous!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Congrats!! The first step is always the hardest...but you did it!! WTG!! You can always use a weight bench in the weight room as your step-up if the weights in the ladies room are too low. Anyway, congrats again and have fun lifting!!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Well done! If there is a scale anywhere around it'd be worth hopping on with the barbell to see how much it weighs, to make it easier to track your progress. Or ask someone.
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    Good for you! I just finally got back to stage 1 after a 4-week hiatus too.....it felt just like I was doing it for the first time again, but I was still stronger than I was before! The results are totally worth the awkwardness of starting out.!!
  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member

    Felt a bit silly, the only girl in the free weights room but the guys in there didn't bother me. And then they didn't have a high enough step for the step ups (because it doesn't get used) so I had to wander through the whole gym to go upstairs to the ladies only room to find one - highest dumbells in there are 10kg so at some point there'll be a problem.

    Got a similar problem here: the step-ups are in the course room, but dumbbells are only 1 or 2 kg weights. So I used a barbell for the step-ups. We aren't allowed to take the dumbbells from the downstairs men's section. The upstairs has barbells and weights, step-ups, gym balls etc. but no heavier weights. I just did Workout A, first time as well.
    I am doing squats with 20-30 kgs (as I was doing this already before) but I think if the weights get heavier I will have to start using a squat rack. As this is also in the men's section, it will mean running around to different areas of the gym, rather annoying if your 60 seconds are up and meanwhile someone has taken over the cable pull. :-(
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    Felt a bit silly, the only girl in the free weights room but the guys in there didn't bother me. And then they didn't have a high enough step for the step ups (because it doesn't get used) so I had to wander through the whole gym to go upstairs to the ladies only room to find one - highest dumbells in there are 10kg so at some point there'll be a problem.

    Got a similar problem here: the step-ups are in the course room, but dumbbells are only 1 or 2 kg weights. So I used a barbell for the step-ups. We aren't allowed to take the dumbbells from the downstairs men's section. The upstairs has barbells and weights, step-ups, gym balls etc. but no heavier weights. I just did Workout A, first time as well.
    I am doing squats with 20-30 kgs (as I was doing this already before) but I think if the weights get heavier I will have to start using a squat rack. As this is also in the men's section, it will mean running around to different areas of the gym, rather annoying if your 60 seconds are up and meanwhile someone has taken over the cable pull. :-(

    To get to the Ladies only room I have to walk along the corridor, up the stairs, through reception, all the way through the machines room, and up another flight of stairs. More than 60 secs no doubt, but I could always carry the step through to the weights room to start with (seeing how many ankles I can take out on the way) and take it back later. Thankfully our Ladies room has 10kg dumbbells in so I shoulod be alright for a while. The cable row machine for seated rows is in the weight machine room next to the ladies room, so I figured I may as well do the bent-over barbell rows. Thankfully we have at least two suqat racks and plenty of weights lying around so I shouldn't complain too much - I reckon if I need the step a lot I can beg them to put one in there and they'll do it.

    arms ache today.....
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! AS more than one person has commented the first step it the hardest! your on your way. I just started stage 1 as well
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Woooo!!! Congratulations. Sounds like you're off to a great start! :)
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Good job getting that first workout in!

    Just a suggestion... I'm not sure how high of a step you're using, but eventually you can work your way up to using one of the weight benches in the weight room for your step. Just increase your step height without increasing your weights until you're stepping up to the bench height, then start increasing your dumbell weight.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Yeah, the barbell and bench combo is awesome. Also, there may be a plyo step hanging around somewhere in the gym. My gym always had it in weird places, or someone was using it as a chair. Just take a peek around for it!