Em2wl for dummies

Momwasix Posts: 623 Member
Hi I'm momwasix and I'm interested in joining this group to complete my journey. In 2011 i started my journey at 256.I've done weight watchers, slimfast, and mfp calorie recommendations. I'm currently 195.my bmr is 1602 my tdee 1922.I do housekeeping m-f I considered myself sedentary cause the housekeeping varies day to day. on the weekend I either go out taking care of home and kids. my workouts aren't consistent i mostly walk for an hour or two 3 days a week. Where do i start I have a hard time focus due to adhd so you have to baby step i appreciate any help given in advanced.


  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I would definitely consider you moderately active given your walking and the housekeeping - even if it varies. What are your stats? Age? Height? I'd like to rerun your numbers as moderately active and start there.
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 623 Member
    33 age 5"6 195lbs goal weight 160.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Using the Scooby calculator, According to your stats, Your BMR is 1652 TDEE is 2271. Subtracting 10% from your TDEE for a loss .at lightly active your intake would be 2044 and at moderate 2304. Since you want to take baby steps, maybe start eating 2044 calories everyday, whether you workout or not. Since you activity is included you won't eat back any exercise calories.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I've come up with different numbers and I've used moderately active because I really think you're moderately active given your description.

    BMR - 1652 - Never net below this number on workout days.

    TDEE - 2560

    TDEE - 15% - 2176

    Given your history of trying different things I'd recommend a metabolism reset, which would mean going all the way up to 2560 and eating that consistently for 4-8 weeks (you can read more about the reset in some of the stickies up top). If you'd prefer not to start with a reset, I understand. You can also try going to your cut number (the TDEE - 15%) of 2176 and eating that. If you do that, stick with it for at least a full month before judging progress. Your body needs consistency at this point. I hope this helps and gives you the direction you were looking for.

    Good luck!