No Loss

Right - my figures are:

Height: 5ft 5"/165 cm
Current weight: 143lb

BMR: 1435
TDEE: 2224
Exercise level: moderate (at the moment, I am doing 1x Bodypump or kettlebell class, 1x circuit class, 1x cardio session or spin class or a bike ride for a min of 45 mins, and swimming for 20 mins 2x per week after my classes).
Daily calories: 1890 (15% cut)

Never really done VLCD - doesn't work for me.

I lost 8lb initially with these numbers. I'm struggling to lose any more now. I did have a holiday for 10 days, where I didn't watch what I ate so much, and didn't do any heavy exercise, just walking. I didn't lift for 3 weeks either because of a shoulder injury, just went back to it but can't lift as heavy as I was doing. So maybe that explains it a bit, but I was struggling before the injury and holiday to lose any more weight. I have lost another half inch or so, so maybe I am gaining muscle?

I was doing more cardio before my injury but the shoulder injury meant I couldn't ride my bike for a couple of weeks - I've just gone back to spin and stationary biking, hoping to get back on the road bike next week.

I net BMR at least every day. Some days I net a bit more, if I am hungry (usually exercise days or the day after exercise).

Don't really want to do a reset because I fear the gain - I am pretty paranoid about putting it all back on, because I hated my body so much before I started and I only just hate it a bit less now! I've never done VLCD anyway for more than a few days (that's all I could cope with).


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Do you know if you have been eating at TDEE while you were on holiday?
    If you didn't I would take at least one week of diet break. Eat at TDEE for a week or two. I don't think a reset is nesessary for you if you have been losing before.
    Just make sure to take a diet break for one week every 4 weeks, or for 2 weeks every 6-8 weeks.

    That should get your metabolism going again.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member

    I don't know what I was eating on holiday - didn't log. Wouldn't have said it was hugely excessive, just a few more treats and a bit more booze than normal really, and a couple of meals out. Most days I was skipping breakfast due to sleeping in!

    I'll try having a break in a couple of weeks - we're moving house next weekend so I probably won't be too worried about diet and things like that until it's all over!
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    When one takes a diet that a break from both your cut # and exercise or just eating at TDEE?

    I was thinking about taking a diet break while doing CLX push phase and then a week off of exercise once I am done with CLX.

  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    If you are losing inches then you are still making progress. The scale is a lying liar that lies and should not be trusted. ;)

    Honestly don't use the scale as your indicator for success if you are lifting.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I suddenly had a 2lb drop this week, could be water weight but could be the effects of cutting again for 2 weeks after a break. But it's tending in the right direction!

    Just bought NROLFW so will be checking it out this weekend.