Happy Wenesday!

Hi Ladies!

I have been sick for the last two days and though I feel like crap I have been trying to excercise..how are you all doing?

What are your excercise routines?

I just want to share that next week I will try for 5 days (M-F) not to eat any carbs or sugar...we will see how it goes..I will keep you all posted!!! Big challenge for me because I love SUGAR and CARBS LOL...

DO you think im nuts?


  • littlemermaid1048
    Hi girl! I'm in the same boat! Last week was my "sweets week." No wonder I felt seek and didn't want to workout that much. I also want to stay away from simple sugars and limit my complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, whole pastas and grains, ....) because I know that that really works if I want to lose weight. Good luck on your journey and keep dancing! :))