Frustrated - Help

Hi there! Here is a little about me: been overweight my ENTIRE life but have always been extremely active. I never cared what I put in my mouth until I hit an all time highest (non pregnancy) weight of 223 lbs. That was enough for me. So, 3 years ago I started tracking my calories on LoseIt and then later switched to MFP. Basically, I ate 1500 calories with one cheat day (volleyball nights because of the BEER). I was working out at Curves 5 days a week, Zumba 2-3 times a week and was in 2 volleyball leagues. After a couple years I was down about 40 lbs (yay me!). It was slow, but it was CONSISTENT. Then, the summer of 2011 I was back up to 205 lbs. I started a challenge at work and lost 17lbs. That weight creeped back up but I nipped that in the butt and hit it hard for a few more months. January 2012 I hit the lowest weight I have been since 2004 and it was 179lbs. I was down 44lbs and was loving it. I noticed January and February there was no loss but my clothes were still getting baggy, not such a bad deal right? I figured when you plateau its good and I should switch it up a bit - I increased my calories to 1700ish and started to try and eat ALL my work out calories back (not as consistent as I should). Weight stayed the same and stayed the same. Somewhere in April it started to creep back up - what the heck?? I just started training for my very first 5K and was running 3 times a week, strength training 1-2, Zumba 2-3, volleyball 1 night a week, Pilates once a week and an elliptical thrown in there every now and then. Hmm. Ran my 5K finished at my personal best time, yay! Scale was creeping up slowly maybe 5-6lbs. I stumbled on EM2WL in June and read a lot about it. I thought, well I am not losing doing it this way lets try something new. Here are the stats on June 25th, 2012:
27 years old
180 lbs
I used the moderate exercise 3-5 hours a week
BMR - 1606
TDEE - 2489
TDEE -15% - 2115

I did not do a reset, I couldn't wrap my head around that much food. Started at the -15%. I felt SOOOOOO much better eating more. I wasn't tired all the time, wasn't crabby, was sleeping better I just felt (and still do) great!. I also cut back on the cardio a bit and started to do more strength training (love body weight exercises) I would say 3-4 days a week I am sweating my *kitten* off with my strength training.

I know this is a process and the mental part is the worst but as of yesterday I was 186.8 lbs and my jeans and work pants a snug. I know the scale shouldn't define me but I wanted to throw up. I am in my 7th week of eating more calories (suprised I have stuck with it this long) and I haven't seen the scale do anything but go up. I have also noticed, since I can eat more calories I tend to make poor choices because my head says well, no biggie you aren't going over on calories and you have to keep your net above your BMR so you better eat more. Its like a flippin' free for all. UGH. I used to NAIL my carbs, protein, fats, fiber and sodium. The last couple weeks they have been SO out of whack. Not enough protein, too much sodium and fat etc....

I don't want to give up, but cutting my calories creeps more and more into my head every day. Yes, I am whining and blah blah but I am frustrated. I know you have to feed your body and the process makes perfect sense. I have read a gazillion posts about EM2WL and all the success stories, but what the heck is going on with me? Should I bump up the exercise to 5-6 hours a week of strenuous exercise - I proabably work out 6-8 hours a week but I dont know that they are all STRENUOUS? Keep being patient? Be kind, but any advice is welcome.




  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    I have a feeling your are underestimating your activity level.... Also given your history, doing a full reset may be a good place to start.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Many people have a tendency of putting themselves in a lower category because of the descriptor (moderate/strenuous). Go by the actual hours per week you exercise.
    This might be hard for you to swallow (no pun intended) but you may want to eat at TDEE for a couple of weeks then go to cut. Taking a "diet break" is highly recommended every 4-6 weeks.
    Yep it's a lot of food, but eat full fat items, incorporate protein shakes/bars if necessary to get your protein. Start your diary the night/day ahead. Start with protein at least LBW per gram of protein (LBW=115, then 115 gm protein), add carbs (don't be afraid of starches), add fats as necessary. Look at the sodium content of everything (1/2 c cottage cheese=400 mg compared to swiss cheese 1 oz = 60 mg). I limit dairy and wheat products, they tend to make me bloat. So observe what you eat and how it effects you, you could have sensitivities to some foods.
    Hope that helps, but look at the new EM2WL site, it has a lot of good info:
  • LilBritGettinFit
    LilBritGettinFit Posts: 106 Member
    Hmm. Redid my calculations with the higher exercise level
    BMR 1628
    TDEE 2808
    -15% 2387

    Hmm. That's a lot of food. Even if I took a 'diet break' I don't think I could eat that much. But...... tinkering with things is not a bad thing. :)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Also, since we are creating a smaller deficit, it is very important to accurate with your portions. Weigh an measure everything for a few weeks.

    When I was netting 1200 I would just eyeball my portions but since that was like a 1600 calorie deficit if I was off by a few hundred cals it didn't matter, I would still lose.

    If you are off by a few hundred cals while eating more you could be going over your TDEE.
  • LilBritGettinFit
    LilBritGettinFit Posts: 106 Member
    I always over estimate my food for that reason. So, if I have a crazy cardio day where I burn 600-700+ calories do I eat anything back? Or just enough to get above my BMR?
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member

    Sorry, to hear, that you are struggling. But you have done a great job so far.
    Make sure you are hitting your protein levels. that is very important.
    PP already said it-with your history a reset would have been the best thing to do. Because your body might adjust to your cut value as your new TDEE
    If you really don't want to do it at all-then go for the diet break. Every 4 weeks one week of diet break is brilliant to keep your metabolism going.
    It sounds like a lot of food, but once you are used to it, you do wonder who on earth you could ever live with less. I just realized the other day, that my breakfasts are having more cals, then I would et all day when I was on VLCD.

    Just try to be consistent. And don't underestimate your activity level
  • LilBritGettinFit
    LilBritGettinFit Posts: 106 Member

    Sorry, to hear, that you are struggling. But you have done a great job so far.
    Make sure you are hitting your protein levels. that is very important.
    PP already said it-with your history a reset would have been the best thing to do. Because your body might adjust to your cut value as your new TDEE
    If you really don't want to do it at all-then go for the diet break. Every 4 weeks one week of diet break is brilliant to keep your metabolism going.
    It sounds like a lot of food, but once you are used to it, you do wonder who on earth you could ever live with less. I just realized the other day, that my breakfasts are having more cals, then I would et all day when I was on VLCD.

    Just try to be consistent. And don't underestimate your activity level

    How would you define a diet break? Where I eat whatever I want and dont care?? There has to be some 'caring' about what I eat, or no?
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I take a diet break when I'm on vacation because I can't lift easily. So I just walk and don't do my normal vigorous exercise. Regarding calories, I try to stay consistent so your body knows you aren't going to starve it again. So maybe eat at or just below TDEE. And that has worked for me. A lot of people have reported taking a break for a couple of weeks works for them.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member

    Sorry, to hear, that you are struggling. But you have done a great job so far.
    Make sure you are hitting your protein levels. that is very important.
    PP already said it-with your history a reset would have been the best thing to do. Because your body might adjust to your cut value as your new TDEE
    If you really don't want to do it at all-then go for the diet break. Every 4 weeks one week of diet break is brilliant to keep your metabolism going.
    It sounds like a lot of food, but once you are used to it, you do wonder who on earth you could ever live with less. I just realized the other day, that my breakfasts are having more cals, then I would et all day when I was on VLCD.

    Just try to be consistent. And don't underestimate your activity level

    How would you define a diet break? Where I eat whatever I want and dont care?? There has to be some 'caring' about what I eat, or no?

    A diet break is eating at your TDEE for 1-2 weeks.