Calculations Have Me Eating below RMR?

foranagirl Posts: 64 Member
I ran the calories calculations in NROLW using the RMR that was calculated for me at my gym (using Metacheck's 10 minute breathe test (Metabolic Rate Analysis System)) and subtracting the 300 calories for fat loss. It has me eating below RMR on non w/o days. Does that sound right? I'm 46 years old and have a BMI over 25 so I unded up here:

1411 RMR per Metacheck

1383 on non-w/o days
1675 on w/o days

Given that NROLW's numbers are supposed to incorporate exercise calories, this doesn't seem right to me.

I'm thinking about setting MFP to 1411 and eating back all exercise calries per my HRM. Toughts? I realize that MFP says that I"ll only lose 0.7 lbs a week this way, but I can't see eating less than RMR on any day, right?


  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I've seen this happen before and you're right, you should not be eating below your BMR. You could try using a % instead of just subtracting an even 300 calories. I believe he also uses 10-15% as a guide on how much less to eat when trying to lose weight. If you are subtracting 300, you would be at 1683 on nonlifting days before the cut, correct? If you instead subtracted 15%, that would put you at 1430 on nonlifting days. I wouldn't eat back exercise calories because, if calculated correctly, your TDEE for the day would be 1683, unless you do a ton of cardio on nonlifting days and burn more than 150 calories.
  • foranagirl
    foranagirl Posts: 64 Member
    correct. 1693 (typo in OP) before the cut. So yes, that's his calculation of TDEE, I guess. Meaning cut from that to lose. And not eat exercise calories.

    I guess because his activity multipliers are just an estimate and I do have a HRM I figured that it was easier to eat RMR plus all exercise. In theory I should maintain at that, right? So to lose I wouldn't eat all exercise calories, but at least I"m eating RMR. Does that make sense?

    So confused!!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Yes, I guess it would make sense to do it that way, RMR plus exercise as long as that's what you're doing everyday. I really is all just estimates and ultimately you have to find what works for you. Try it for a month and see how it works, then you can adjust based on results. Good luck.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Best thing to do is to try his maintenance calories for at least the first 4 weeks to see if they're actually maintenance for you. Then you can adjust from there. :) Knowing your maintenance cals is one of the best things you can do for yourself! :)