Day 3

Fortunecat1 Posts: 62 Member
How is everyone doing with day 3? I did it. I was really trying to pay attention to form today, holding my stomach in, doing the movements precisely. I couldn't quite make it through all the ab work in circuit 3. Had to collapse for a minute. :)


  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Hello!! Im new to the group but tonight is day 3 for me too!! im excited to get this disc done and off of my checklist!! I focused on form yesterday too and found it hard to stay in fomr for the lunges with bicep curls...alot of wobbling lol!! We can do this!
  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    This is the only group I could find that was close to my start day.

    I just started today so I'm 2 days behind, but I AM GOING TO DO IT THIS TIME!

    Yay :)
  • PaulaAW
    PaulaAW Posts: 27 Member
    Day 3 for me :) Did it with not too much trouble and no longer aching. Is everyone going to take a day off once a week or go right through? Also.... Sorry about this question, when is labour day? I'm in the UK ;)
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    I haven't done it yet, but I was thinking about skipping it today. It hurts to move. I was in the grocery store today, and I'm usually able to walk pretty quickly while pushing a cart. Not today. I felt like a tortoise. I was waddling through the store. Yes. Waddling. Ugh! When does the pain end? Okay. I will try to do it.
  • Iv been doing workout 1 for 3 weeks. 1st week I worked out 4 days. 2nd week my daughter was very sick with herpangina so I only worked out 2 days.. This week Im going strong on day 3 in a row AND yesterday I did it twice:) Once in the morning and once at night with a friend.. 3 days a week I do it with her :) Im still getting a great workout.. not quite ready for workout 2 lol
  • Loser79
    Loser79 Posts: 28 Member
    is it horrible that i didn't do days 1 and 2? i guess i'll gave to start at day 1 today. i was feeling sick the last couple of days. i'm for sure on day 1 tonight though!
  • Good job everyone for sticking to it. I was less sore today than yesterday. Labor day is Sept 3.. so we will go a few days past that. But it gives us a goal date.
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    Okay. I'm feeling so much better now. I don't know what it was. After the visit to the grocery store and coming on here to gripe about it, I pigged out on some carb rich food. I'm not proud of that. I'm 400 something calories over my goal for today. That stinks, but my muscles started to feel sooooo much better after pigging out. I'm feeling up for some shred time! Day 3, here we go!
  • Day 3 for me :) Did it with not too much trouble and no longer aching. Is everyone going to take a day off once a week or go right through? Also.... Sorry about this question, when is labour day? I'm in the UK ;)

    Labor Day is Monday September 3rd. We are looking to be done with the workout by then. What's after that Ladies? Ripped in 30??

    I skipped yesterday since I was not at home - but I look forward to Jillian kicking my *kitten* tonight! Love it!
  • Labor Day is Monday September 3rd. We are looking to be done with the workout by then.
  • LOL, since we are all confessing here...I had to skip Days 2&3 :-( I was so sore and couldn't move and I didn't think my legs would be able to hold me up any longer. Today is Day 4 and I feel ready now, so I will for sure get back on track tonight. Great work everyone and all that matters is that you don't give up, no matter what your setback is!
  • Loser79
    Loser79 Posts: 28 Member
    i haven't done days 1 or 2 or 3. i was feeling better yesterday, but i ended up doing a walk/jog interval around a lake near me. ends up i can't start today either! i might as well leave the group and wait for the next round. maybe i'll start a new one that starts tomorrow? i hope everybody is doing well. i'm sore too, but from my run! =D