Don't know wear I am going wrong.

I did a reset for 6 weeks and gained 7 lbs and this will be my 3rd week on cut. 10% is supposed to be 1876 but I do 1900 which is inbetween 10% and 15%. I haven't lost put a pound and I think a half a inch on my waist( if I measured right)but nothing any where else, not even my hips =(. Is it too soon to see anything or should I up or lower my calories some. I workout 5 days a week, 3 for upper body and 2 lower with a few days of cardiio. All within my 3-5 hours of exercise a week.


  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Jennie,

    So sorry to hear you're frustrated!

    I'm curious to know if you are counting calories only or if you are keeping your macros in check (particularly protein)?

    At the moment I'm only strength training 3 days a week and I have my levels set at moderate. I'm definitely losing in size (I don't weigh). I'm wondering if you've underestimated your activity levels... you've got to incorporate what you do during the day as well.

    Did your weight gain stabilise over the reset? That's a good indicator that all the levels are right and that you'll start losing when you cut.

    Anyway, would love to know about your macros because that could be a key thing here.
  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104 Some days yes some days no. My protein should be 143 a day and most of the time I get in the 120's. Now for the rest, most of time they are except carbs are usually over but not back lot like 20-30. I have seen other that don't following their macros to the T and still are losing. Yes to my weight stabalizing also. I also notice that after I posted this My TOM started today, though it was due for another week, so the no losing weight and size could have to do with that also. So you don't do cardio at all? That is why I want a fitbit so bad bc I really believe I am burning more through out the day then my calculation on scooby says. I can't get on until next month though. Thanks for the response. =)
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member Some days yes some days no. My protein should be 143 a day and most of the time I get in the 120's. Now for the rest, most of time they are except carbs are usually over but not back lot like 20-30. I have seen other that don't following their macros to the T and still are losing. Yes to my weight stabalizing also. I also notice that after I posted this My TOM started today, though it was due for another week, so the no losing weight and size could have to do with that also. So you don't do cardio at all? That is why I want a fitbit so bad bc I really believe I am burning more through out the day then my calculation on scooby says. I can't get on until next month though. Thanks for the response. =)

    Protein in the 120s is great! Yeah some people still lose without paying close attention to their macros, but I think you get better results if you do.

    Oohh.... TOM! Lol that could explain everything. I would give it a few days and see how you go. I blow up like a balloon and sometimes it looks like I've gone backwards by a month... but then a few days later it all evens out again.

    At the moment I'm doing 3 x NROLFW per week, plus 1 x bikram yoga. Next week I'm planning to add in 1 x small HIIT session as well but I've been really sick for the last week so I'll see how I'm feeling.

    Keep at it though, because I keep reading lots of stories where people only start losing 3-4 weeks into their cut. The fitbit sounds like a great idea. I know that Kiki & Lucia would not recommend lowering calories until you're 100% sure of what you're burning. With EM2WL it's better to overestimate rather than underestimate and I love that about it. :)
  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104
    Maybe I should cut back on the cardio to see if that will balance out what other calories I am burning during the day that might make me over.