Hi guys! I had a really tough time last week (the fourth week mark) accepting my 10lb weight gain, but I just wanted to chime in and say... I have maintained my weight since last week! Not only that, but I also... GOT MY PERIOD BACK! :D I haven't had my period in so, so long, due to eating far too little and starving my body of the nutrients it needs. I know what all you girls are thinking, "Ew! Who'd want THAT back? All the nasty feelings, cramps, and water weight!" Honestly? I'm super excited. I know it sounds crazy. Haha. This is SUCH a good sign that eating more is doing the proper thing for my body. I'm getting healthier, and this is proof. Yeah, the weight gain is disheartening, but weren't we ALL told to expect that? Also, possibly TMI, but I've noticed my sex drive has increased so much. Before, I never had the desire, at all. Anyone else like this?

I'm also easily getting my 1650 calories in, daily. My hunger is slightly starting to kick in, but I think I eat on-time enough to where it can't quite surface. I'm getting to that point where I know I'll miss the extra calories on my cut.

Also, while I may still be weak, my lunges have increased from 40 lbs to 50 lbs, and my deadlift is up to 55 lbs from 50 lbs. My arm strength kind of staggered due to an injury two weeks ago, but that's okay! Still lifting the same weight, just the reps are becoming easier (good sign!).

So, I'm half-way into my fifth week. Only 3 1/2 more to go! :D


  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    This is probably the only time I would welcome my periord, if it was an indication of getting healthier.

    I was just thinking this morning that I wish my period went away. I stopped having them for the most part when I was on a birth control but I got off birth control about a year ago and the period started again. TOM was supposed to be here yesterday and it is coming anytime now (I had an weight increase of 3 pounds overnight).

    Anyway, congrats on getting healthier. The extra pounds will come off when you lower your calories.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    This is such a great NSV! It really shows that you are on the right track.
    And it is also a good sign that your weight has not increased any more. So looks like you have found your TDEE.

    I am thrilled for you
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Yay! this is all great news for you :)

    How awesome is it feeling that hunger and knowing you can feed it well now :)
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    That's awesome news. It's so important for all of your hormones to be functioning properly. Well done!
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    Awesome NSV - same thing happened to my sister once I convinced her to be an EM2WLer. Your body is doing what it's naturally designed to do! Yay for you!