Eating all your calories

do those of you who have big numbers lost eat all your calories? I have at least 150 pounds to lose, I'm having a lot of trouble eating the calories My fit pal says I should eat. when I eat low calories..1200-1500 I don't lose anything. Suggestions?


  • tearose4
    tearose4 Posts: 37 Member
    On one hand, it's hard for me to imaging struggling to eat enough. I am definitely prone to overeating. I can't see your food diary but I am going to guess that you have either switched to all ultra-low calorie foods or else you're skipping meals. Also, from the amount of weight you hope to lose, I am guessing your current weight is very similar to mine. Right now, my MFP calorie goal is 1550 and I almost always go over it -- so I would guess my typical day is in the 1650-1750 calorie range. And I lose an average of 1.5 pounds weekly.

    So here are my suggestions to you: balance your food intake. Different bodies have slightly different requirements but everyone needs a balance of protein and complex carbs (fruits, vegetables etc.) Your body cannot store protein, so you should have at least a few grams at each meal. That may mean adding an egg or a couple egg whites to your breakfast, a cup of yogurt to lunch, or put some chicken or turkey on your salad at lunchtime, etc, and a balanced dinner. Adding these things will also increase your caloric intake.

    If you aren't getting enough calories, then add a little more. Olives, almonds, avocados and a bunch of other things which escape me right now are all dense in calories and contain healthy fats. Eat them earlier in the day so you have a chance to metabolize them... you don't want them to just get stored for later because you ate them and then went to bed!

    And every once in awhile, take a meal off and splurge. If your metabolism is slowing down due to too much calorie deficit, that'll usually help to shake it up and get things moving again.

    You've got a long way to go -- and so do I, but I got started a little while before you did and have had the opportunity to learn some things along the way. Feel free to add me to your FL... and good luck!
  • yenyarooiam
    yenyarooiam Posts: 21 Member
    Portion size you have to read lables and mfp make sure your eatting and logging correct portion sizes
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    You have to find what works for you . But i eat 1250 cals and dont eat back my exercise cals. I think it is silly to eat extra food if you are really not hungry. There are days I only eat 1000 cals I am not hungry but then I figure that gives me a couple 100 extra calories to use on the weekend or special occasion. I hope this helps. Just stick with it
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    do those of you who have big numbers lost eat all your calories? I have at least 150 pounds to lose, I'm having a lot of trouble eating the calories My fit pal says I should eat. when I eat low calories..1200-1500 I don't lose anything. Suggestions?
    I've found it is not how many calories you are eating but what you are eating when there is weight gain if you are eating 1250 -1500 cals. I eat back my cals IF I am hungry only.
  • notalwshngry
    if I dont plan out my food for the day, the night before. I have a tendency not to eat enough. I dont think about it unless its logged befor I have to eat it. Im suppose to be eating 1200 calories. I have yet to eat them all in one day. but Im trying.
  • svelte32
    svelte32 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm having issues trying to eat the right amount of calories if I try and eat less sometimes I find myself hungry and sometimes when I go over I feel okay but maybe on the slightly stuffed side. I find it hard to stay in the middle, maybe the right combo of foods is more important. For me I'm looking at 1600-1800 calories for my age and height and lifestyle. I have a habit of binge eating and sometimes going for foods that are fast and easy so it's a struggle right now to find a balance but I know in time I can work this out.
  • suemyers56
    suemyers56 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes I have problems eating all my calories