Weekly Weigh In?

So...I am not going to tell my weight .. but what do you think about a weekly weigh in? +/- lbs.

Would you like the weigh in on Monday or Friday? Or Wednesday?


Goal/Weight Check In

Goals Accomplished for the week

Weigh in: +/- lbs?

Just scattered thoughts.


  • bytrout
    bytrout Posts: 33 Member
    Because I am modestly obsessive compulsive I would weigh in every four or five hours. Not wise.

    So I suggest tip number five. Do the official weigh in once a week. That allows for the ups and downs of life and provides a longer lens.

    How about on a Friday after my work out? That way I get the benefit of Friday's sweat and I don't have to let the weekend get in the way of my weigh. I'll have Monday thru Friday to eat wisely and work out any quilt or meatball Subway induced mega calorie situations. Wandering and wondering thoughts that may not make much sense as I am pooped after my long hot walk today.

  • psr1964
    psr1964 Posts: 29
    Fridays it is! We will begin next Friday.

    You made me laugh -- how can one use "modestly" as a description to obsessive compulsive? :-)

    Have a fantastic Friday all!

  • Well I would have picked the Friday weigh in too, since I can have a drink or 2 fri & sat. Today is Juerg's 68th birthday so I'm taking him out to dine & I'm not holding back either.........grin

    191.6 today, I started here at 197.8 exactly 1 month ago today, I did get up to 223, my highest ever from a cashew binge, scared the heck out of me, I never thought I'd be fat, dang.
  • zanth07
    zanth07 Posts: 15 Member
    My OCD kicks in sometimes and I tend to weigh myself a couple of times a week, but my "normal" day is Saturday morning just after I get up. It would not be best for me to start doing it 2 days in a row, so hopefully it's ok if I just stick to Saturday?
  • bytrout
    bytrout Posts: 33 Member
    Sure, zanth07, stick to Saturday weigh in! Congratulations on how nicely you are doing, too.
  • zanth07
    zanth07 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks Bob! This is Sandy, originally pop9095 on the Q, now Zanth07 ... I've not gotten on the Q in a very long time though, but I was part of the whole "Motley Crew", quit in '07.

  • psr1964
    psr1964 Posts: 29
    I think Saturday is great! We will just post it on here...Whoever is first, please post the tread!

    Hope everyone is having a great day.