How strange! Scale is moving again after 6 months

Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
I'm 5 foot 2, and have lost 33 kgs now since April 8 2010. I'm currently 57.5 Kg (127 pounds) I've done it the slow way so as to preserve muscle mass and have enough energy to perform at sports and have a nicely toned body. I exercise intensely and do heavy weights.

For the last year or so I've been eating from between 1700 - 2200 calories mostly.

From Jan - June I had no scale weight loss even though I was getting thinner. My body composition was changing, and had to keep buying smaller clothes as I was losing heaps of centimetres.

Then a strange thing happend. My body decided ok, that it was ready to shed some scale weight again. I was hovering between 60 - 62 kg from Jan - June and now since June I've gotten down to 57.5 kg. Its all happened so fast in the space of just a couple of months!

I have read that I need to just keep doing the things im doing and the numbers will take care of themselves and that is what has happened. I'm really not even sure what weight my body will end up at. I've never been below the 57 kg mark as an adult and im currently aged in my late 30's. I'm looking really good now and people tell me I dont need to lose anymore I look amazing.

Im not that fussed on what number the scale will end up at as what I look like and feel like is the most important thing so what i've decided is to continue eating at a small defecit and within the calorie range 1700 - 2200 and just see what number my body naturally ends up at. Eventually my body weight will balance out at a number it is happy at. I've no idea what number but i'll just keep going and see what happens.

I did a comparison of my stats. Strange thing is there was very little difference. I ate the same amounts of calories from March - June as I did from June to August. I thought maybe I lost the weight because I was eating at the lower end of the range so that is why in the past couple of months I started to lose on the scale, but interestingly no the stats dont show that.

I'm thinking that my body just wasnt ready to lose on the scale until the last couple of months. My body mustve been going through a number of changes and it just wasnt ready yet to lose (scale weight). Interesting isnt it!

So I guess my advice to you is you have to be extremely patient with those last few pounds and your body will end up at the number it wants to end up at. You might not even lose much more scale weight either if your adding muscle. Also for some people it takes longer than others. I lost heaps in my first year of weight loss and from jan to june nothing but now all of a suddent the scale is moving so fast that its been quite a shock. I still would like to lose a little on my tummy area so i'll just keep eating at a smallish defecit and in my calorie range and see how long it takes.

I have muscle too so I dont think the scale will move much more than 57 kg and thats fine with me. Its nice though to be at this weight as im feeling light as a feather :)


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I had the exact same thing happen to me in the last 3-5 pounds. I was the same weight from September through January, which I deemed was the world's longest plateau. Suddenly in January the scale mysteriously started moving again and I hit my goal in February. I truly believe that sometimes you just need to be patient. I am glad you broke through, it's a great feeling, isn't it?
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Congratulations! It is good to know that sometimes that plateau will shatter on its own.

    I've been on a plateau since 3/12 and can't seem to lose those last 2-3 lbs. I am older and taller than you. I am 5'6" and currently weigh 140 lbs. I have tried everything, including adding weights to my routine. My goal is 1400 calories per day and I eat back my exercise calories. I would love to weigh 135, but would be very happy at 138.

    Over the past 6 months, my measurements have not changed an iota. The scale tends to move between 139-141 depending on my sodium intake the previous day.

    Very frustrating. On the other hand, I am a size 8, get lots of compliments and feel great, so many would ask "what's the problem?"
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I had the exact same thing happen to me in the last 3-5 pounds. I was the same weight from September through January, which I deemed was the world's longest plateau. Suddenly in January the scale mysteriously started moving again and I hit my goal in February. I truly believe that sometimes you just need to be patient. I am glad you broke through, it's a great feeling, isn't it?

    Cool that's great! Well done
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Congratulations! It is good to know that sometimes that plateau will shatter on its own.

    I've been on a plateau since 3/12 and can't seem to lose those last 2-3 lbs. I am older and taller than you. I am 5'6" and currently weigh 140 lbs. I have tried everything, including adding weights to my routine. My goal is 1400 calories per day and I eat back my exercise calories. I would love to weigh 135, but would be very happy at 138.

    Over the past 6 months, my measurements have not changed an iota. The scale tends to move between 139-141 depending on my sodium intake the previous day.

    Very frustrating. On the other hand, I am a size 8, get lots of compliments and feel great, so many would ask "what's the problem?"

    That's great hang in there and you never know it might move again sometime or maybe 139-141 is your bodies ideal weight. I guess you gotta just wait and see what happens hey!. Good luck. :)