P90X--Moderate or Strenuous?

lkcostello Posts: 49 Member
I'm really having a hard time with this. I guess I'm a little on the fence about REALLY raising my calories. I've been eating around 1800 +/- 200 since May. I haven't really gained or lost (I gained a few while on a work trip to San Diego and vacation to Ireland because I wasn't tracking). But if I use the scooby calc for moderate exercise my 15% cut is 1823. For strenuous its 2029. I am finishing week 3 of P90X which is 6 days a week, with one day being Yoga. I'm not sure that is strenuous. So I'm straddling both levels. I'm never hungry and sometimes have trouble eating all my calories.

I haven't done measurements but my clothes went from fitting well to being too tight back to fitting a little better.

I guess I'm looking for a recommendation as to which level I'm at and some motivation to make me believe that I CAN eat 2000 a day and not gain weight.

Stats today:
150.8 lb
63 inch
46 y/o
15% cut
30/40/30 pro/carb/fat
TDEE 2388 (strenuous)
Cut 2029

TDEE 2145
Cut 1823

Thanks for the help!!


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    P90X is most certainly strenuous (I've done it before and it compares to my current lifting/running/volleyball workouts). Each workout including the ab workout is 1-1.5 hours/day for 6 days a week. That is at least 6 hours of of workout, but could be up to 9 hours a week. That is the highest category on scooby. Also with strength training make sure you are looking for changes in clothing size or with the tape measure. The scale is super deceiving.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hey, Since I am almost done with p90x (last day!!) I will give my 2 cents.. I would put it as moderate to strenuous, so somewhere in between there.. You need to decide which level by how you feel during the workouts. You got to be working hard to get the full advantage of the program, almost no pauses between moves, unable to hold a conversation during the workouts (due to breathing heavy) this sort of thing will determine how hard your working..
    I agree the yoga x isn't too strenuous (after phase 1 and partially past phase 2 I subbed it with cardio x) but everything else should definitely be.. I would eat around 1900-2000, but I would also look at the nutrition guide that came with p90x to get an idea of what your meal plans should look like.. I know your macro setting is not what they recommend for phase 1, and I noticed the most changes in phase 1/2 because I did change alot of my eating habits to match what was recommended..
    Most of our diaries are open as well to get any ideas on food choices, with yours being closed I can't see any of that, but my macro's are still set as how p90x suggest them to be for phase 1.. (oh the protein... oh so much)