Sober today

alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
My mom called me a piece of crap daughter today. But I won't drink over it. There is nothing that a drink is going to make any better. Drinking only makes a bad situation worse. I can't wait for my 8:00 p.m. meeting and its only 1:00 in the afternoon. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen. I can stay sober, just for today.....


  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    A new day. Today should have been my 5 year anniversary but its not. I'll get there again as long as I stay sober one day at a time. Working through some of the things going on in my life I find it interesting that today's Prayer for the Day from my 24 Hour a Day book is "I pray that I may be led out of disorder into order. I pray that I may be led out of failure into success". Funny how my readings for the day always seem to speak to me. Have a great day everyone.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Those are powerful words and really hit home! Although I havent been 100% alcohol free these past 2 weeks, Ive only had 1 drink literally (wine) and it was glass and half. That to me is an accomplishment and it shows me I can really do this!! Stay strong and best of luck!!