Important stuff will go here one day.
I lost my Grandmother today. I found her body at around 2 p.m. My first thought was to take a drink, but I knew that would only make things worse. I loved her very very much, and I'm just glad that she got to see me turn my life around. She was my best friend, and she helped make me into who I am today. Without her, I…
I want a drink so bad.
It's all I can think about right now. From the moment I woke up this morning. I need to shake this, but it's obsessing and taking over.
Dry January
An MFP friend posted this link. I don't agree with this man at all (he's in denial pure and simple), but it does raise some questions.
Heading out to my meeting now. I've been blessed with another sober day.
With the holidays coming up, I expect this to be a trying time for all of us. Let's stay ahead of the game and focus. Stay strong!
July 28, 2012
Today marks my 3 month anniversary. Holy crap! I can't believe it. My whole life has changed in so many ways. I can't believe it's been 3 months. Yay. No where to go but up.
It's been 2 months today
Thats all. 60 days. I've been tempted and resisted. I just remind myself of how easy my mornings are. How great I feel. And how I really have no interest in being out of control again.
How Do You Handle Friendships?
Many/Most/All of my friends are heavy drinkers, partiers, and bar flys. What happens now? I've been 11 days clean and sober and avioding all my friends for now. Mainly, I need to. It's too hard to be with them and go through the pressure of having to drink, and it's too soon for me to sit in a bar without ordering a drink.…
Am I wrong?
I was asleep this evening and woke up to my 11 year old brother screaming bloody murder, "I hate you! I hate you! Who do you think you are?" He was yelling at our mother because she told him that starting next week, he needs to start going to bed at 9:30. Alright, so a little back story first.... & I have talked to my…
What's your story?
We all have a story... What compelled you to make this wonderful change in your life? I listened to and followed who or whatever I could convince myself was right. I did this because I would not (not could not) listen to myself. By mid-2011 I was as empty as I possibly could be and there was a void in me that I was…