Help w/Weight Loss

aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
Okay I've been doing this weight lifting program I'm on for 7 full weeks now. I start Wk 8 tonight. It started out as 4 days a week and then it went to 5 days a week around week 5. Cardio was optional but I still do at least 30 min either walking, jogging, incline walking, or elliptical.

I did an HRM test and it came back at 2365. I know those can be very inaccurate. But If I took at number and cut 15% that would be me around 2,000. I ate that for awhile with no results. Anyone heard of the program Body Earned by James Wilson? That's the program I'm on and I gave him my sample meals and he said they all looked good so I thought I was on the right track.
James suggested going down to 1800 & eating back some of my burn w/protein shakes or high protein foods. I'm still not seeing much of a difference and I feel like my stomach has gotten bigger. Measurements are the same.

Since lifting I went from about the mid 160's to 170-173 depending on the day. Inches are not coming off even though I can see some definition forming - especially in my shoulders/arms/upper body.

This last week I decided to add in some kickboxing classes and I plan to continue doing that 2x a week. My HRM said I burned 3150 last week and before last week I was averaging around 2500 for the week. I know those numbers can also be off because HRM's aren't 100% accurate.

I really try to eat clean but it doesn't happen. I still have Subway from time to time. I will still have a cheetos once in awhile with a sandwich and thing like that but all in all I'm pretty good with my food. I lost 40 l bs before on Weight Watchers by eating like this and exercising - doing YMCA classes. Never weight lifting though.

If my inches were coming off I wouldn't care what I weighed. I've posted about this before but I'm still doing something wrong. I must not be eating the right number to lose and I can't figure out if I need more or less. I was never on the 1200 cal diet so that shouldn't be an issue.

According to Scooby's site if I'm 173,5'2, and 31 y/o and want to eat at 15% calorie reduction I should eat 1918.

Any thoughts, suggestions, anything?


  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    What do you mean an HRM Test? Do you mean you wore it all day and that's the number it gave you?

    if that is what you did,,,,well toss that number cause its total bollocks. HRM is not meant for that, and that number will not be representative of your TDEE if that is what you were using it for.

    What activity modifier did you calculate your #'s with?

    weights 5x a week
    Kickboxing 2x a week
    30 mins jogging/eliptical ?x a week

    you said you ate 2000 for "a while"

    what is a while?

    You seem to be all over the place constantly changing things.. and consistency is key..

    Do you #'s, based on the scooby or fat2fit, make sure you are picking the appropriate activity level, and then STICK TO IT.

    don't do it for "a while" then change something. You need to give it enough time to actually see if its working, and then once you've given it a fair shot, modify 1 component only at a time.

    Stick it out, with a consistent workout schedule and consistent eating habits for at least a month.

    p.s. You should not be eating back your exercise calories unless you have a big burn. on days like that.. pay attention to your NET calories and make sure to at least NET your BMR Number.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    What do you mean an HRM Test? Do you mean you wore it all day and that's the number it gave you?

    if that is what you did,,,,well toss that number cause its total bollocks. HRM is not meant for that, and that number will not be representative of your TDEE if that is what you were using it for.

    What activity modifier did you calculate your #'s with?

    weights 5x a week
    Kickboxing 2x a week
    30 mins jogging/eliptical ?x a week

    you said you ate 2000 for "a while"

    what is a while?

    You seem to be all over the place constantly changing things.. and consistency is key..

    Do you #'s, based on the scooby or fat2fit, make sure you are picking the appropriate activity level, and then STICK TO IT.

    don't do it for "a while" then change something. You need to give it enough time to actually see if its working, and then once you've given it a fair shot, modify 1 component only at a time.

    Stick it out, with a consistent workout schedule and consistent eating habits for at least a month.

    p.s. You should not be eating back your exercise calories unless you have a big burn. on days like that.. pay attention to your NET calories and make sure to at least NET your BMR Number.

    Yes I wore it for 24 hrs. The program I’m on suggests it to see what it gives you. They also give you a generic formula to use that is body weight x 10 +300 = what you should eat for fat loss. That for me also comes out to be about 2,000 cals a day. I ate 2000 for at least 5-8 wks because I ate higher calories before starting the program I’m on. I went down to 1800 the last 2 weeks because I have been staying the same weight for the last couple of months.

    With Scooby I used moderately active because I do have a desk job where I sit all day long. On average I workout 5x a week. If I’m super sore from my lifting then I might opt out of lifting the next day and walk/jog/or do a class instead. I usually take 2 rest days a week. My cardio walking/jogging is usually 2-3x a week for 30 min.

    My burns are anywhere from 300-800 depending on what I’m doing. So I usually have to eat back some of my burn to net over my BMR which is around 1530. Fat2Fit says my BMR is 1553.

    The one thing I have done consistently is lift weights since Feb/March. That hasn’t changed. My diet has somewhat changed from time to time. I go weeks where I eat real clean and then some weeks I fall off and eat less clean.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    ok.. Well i think that most weights programs you will find are not geared towards weight loss per se... But body composition and strength.

    Are you challenging yourself enough when lifting? eg... at the end of your last rep of the last set of an exercise, its almost too hard to complete? That's the level of effort you should be putting into lifting to see results.

    I had one month where i only lost .4 of a lb and 1 inch..

    This whole weight loss/shape change journey is not linear.. there are ups and downs.. You just gotta stick it through and make some modifications.

    You shouldn't be going too much over your BMR for net.. but getting as close to it as you can.
    Try sticking with the 1800 for a month and see what happens.. That's what I'm trying now after being at 2000 cals, my new intake is 1900. the calculators arent exact, its all estimate, so we have to fiddle with it until we find what works.

    Good Luck!! Add me if you like!
    Im also doing a lifting program, and struggling with weight.. we can all use more Support!!

    Keep up the good work!
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Bump for later
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    What do you mean an HRM Test? Do you mean you wore it all day and that's the number it gave you?

    if that is what you did,,,,well toss that number cause its total bollocks. HRM is not meant for that, and that number will not be representative of your TDEE if that is what you were using it for.

    What activity modifier did you calculate your #'s with?

    weights 5x a week
    Kickboxing 2x a week
    30 mins jogging/eliptical ?x a week

    you said you ate 2000 for "a while"

    what is a while?

    You seem to be all over the place constantly changing things.. and consistency is key..

    Do you #'s, based on the scooby or fat2fit, make sure you are picking the appropriate activity level, and then STICK TO IT.

    don't do it for "a while" then change something. You need to give it enough time to actually see if its working, and then once you've given it a fair shot, modify 1 component only at a time.

    Stick it out, with a consistent workout schedule and consistent eating habits for at least a month.

    p.s. You should not be eating back your exercise calories unless you have a big burn. on days like that.. pay attention to your NET calories and make sure to at least NET your BMR Number.

    Yes I wore it for 24 hrs. The program I’m on suggests it to see what it gives you. They also give you a generic formula to use that is body weight x 10 +300 = what you should eat for fat loss. That for me also comes out to be about 2,000 cals a day. I ate 2000 for at least 5-8 wks because I ate higher calories before starting the program I’m on. I went down to 1800 the last 2 weeks because I have been staying the same weight for the last couple of months.

    With Scooby I used moderately active because I do have a desk job where I sit all day long. On average I workout 5x a week. If I’m super sore from my lifting then I might opt out of lifting the next day and walk/jog/or do a class instead. I usually take 2 rest days a week. My cardio walking/jogging is usually 2-3x a week for 30 min.

    My burns are anywhere from 300-800 depending on what I’m doing. So I usually have to eat back some of my burn to net over my BMR which is around 1530. Fat2Fit says my BMR is 1553.

    The one thing I have done consistently is lift weights since Feb/March. That hasn’t changed. My diet has somewhat changed from time to time. I go weeks where I eat real clean and then some weeks I fall off and eat less clean.

    Definitely no expert, but here goes..

    HRMs are not meant to for time use. if you had a fitbit or body media fit, those would give you a more accurate daily burn. You would take a week or two of readings from those and then get your average daily burn there. Then take that number and cut by 15%.. Alas, using a HRM will not give you accurate results, no matter what a program says:) The Scooby site is a very good estimate, but you have to be honest wuth your activity level.Even though you have a desk job, that doesnt mean anything. If you are actively working out between 3-5 hours in a week, then you are moderate, but if you are working out more than 5 hours, then you are strenuous. So be honest with yourself. If you are working 5+ hours a week, then please move up to strenuous.

    You said you ate at 2000 for about 5-8 weeks, then was told to drop to 1800? I believe Kiki or Lucia can confirm, but I have heard them say NEVER cut your calories if nothing is happening. Always increase. You may find 2000 calories is not enough for you and you need more, hence your body not letting go. You might want to increase by 100 or so and see what happens. However if your activity level should be strenuous instead of moderate, then use that number and see what happens.

    Its all a bit of a science experiement. You have to play around with the numbers for a while to see what works best for you. no matter what a program, calculator or gadget tells you, they are all just estimates...

    Hope this helps a might want to PM Kiki or Lucia for more advice.. or you can check out our new forums at our new website at
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    What do you mean an HRM Test? Do you mean you wore it all day and that's the number it gave you?

    if that is what you did,,,,well toss that number cause its total bollocks. HRM is not meant for that, and that number will not be representative of your TDEE if that is what you were using it for.

    What activity modifier did you calculate your #'s with?

    weights 5x a week
    Kickboxing 2x a week
    30 mins jogging/eliptical ?x a week

    you said you ate 2000 for "a while"

    what is a while?

    You seem to be all over the place constantly changing things.. and consistency is key..

    Do you #'s, based on the scooby or fat2fit, make sure you are picking the appropriate activity level, and then STICK TO IT.

    don't do it for "a while" then change something. You need to give it enough time to actually see if its working, and then once you've given it a fair shot, modify 1 component only at a time.

    Stick it out, with a consistent workout schedule and consistent eating habits for at least a month.

    p.s. You should not be eating back your exercise calories unless you have a big burn. on days like that.. pay attention to your NET calories and make sure to at least NET your BMR Number.

    Yes I wore it for 24 hrs. The program I’m on suggests it to see what it gives you. They also give you a generic formula to use that is body weight x 10 +300 = what you should eat for fat loss. That for me also comes out to be about 2,000 cals a day. I ate 2000 for at least 5-8 wks because I ate higher calories before starting the program I’m on. I went down to 1800 the last 2 weeks because I have been staying the same weight for the last couple of months.

    With Scooby I used moderately active because I do have a desk job where I sit all day long. On average I workout 5x a week. If I’m super sore from my lifting then I might opt out of lifting the next day and walk/jog/or do a class instead. I usually take 2 rest days a week. My cardio walking/jogging is usually 2-3x a week for 30 min.

    My burns are anywhere from 300-800 depending on what I’m doing. So I usually have to eat back some of my burn to net over my BMR which is around 1530. Fat2Fit says my BMR is 1553.

    The one thing I have done consistently is lift weights since Feb/March. That hasn’t changed. My diet has somewhat changed from time to time. I go weeks where I eat real clean and then some weeks I fall off and eat less clean.

    Definitely no expert, but here goes..

    HRMs are not meant to for time use. if you had a fitbit or body media fit, those would give you a more accurate daily burn. You would take a week or two of readings from those and then get your average daily burn there. Then take that number and cut by 15%.. Alas, using a HRM will not give you accurate results, no matter what a program says:) The Scooby site is a very good estimate, but you have to be honest wuth your activity level.Even though you have a desk job, that doesnt mean anything. If you are actively working out between 3-5 hours in a week, then you are moderate, but if you are working out more than 5 hours, then you are strenuous. So be honest with yourself. If you are working 5+ hours a week, then please move up to strenuous.

    You said you ate at 2000 for about 5-8 weeks, then was told to drop to 1800? I believe Kiki or Lucia can confirm, but I have heard them say NEVER cut your calories if nothing is happening. Always increase. You may find 2000 calories is not enough for you and you need more, hence your body not letting go. You might want to increase by 100 or so and see what happens. However if your activity level should be strenuous instead of moderate, then use that number and see what happens.

    Its all a bit of a science experiement. You have to play around with the numbers for a while to see what works best for you. no matter what a program, calculator or gadget tells you, they are all just estimates...

    Hope this helps a might want to PM Kiki or Lucia for more advice.. or you can check out our new forums at our new website at

    Thanks for the feedback. Finding the whole calorie magic number is so hard. I'll have to go into my HRM and see how many hours I spent working out the last few weeks to see if I'm over the 5 hr limit for moderate. Some weeks I might be some I might not be.

    Today for example. I should have gone to the gym this morning and lifted but I'm sore and I think my right rotator cuff is messed up. I up my shoulder presses a few weeks back and I think I did some damage by doing that. Ugh...nothing ever goes smoothly!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    ok.. Well i think that most weights programs you will find are not geared towards weight loss per se... But body composition and strength.

    Are you challenging yourself enough when lifting? eg... at the end of your last rep of the last set of an exercise, its almost too hard to complete? That's the level of effort you should be putting into lifting to see results.

    I had one month where i only lost .4 of a lb and 1 inch..

    This whole weight loss/shape change journey is not linear.. there are ups and downs.. You just gotta stick it through and make some modifications.

    You shouldn't be going too much over your BMR for net.. but getting as close to it as you can.
    Try sticking with the 1800 for a month and see what happens.. That's what I'm trying now after being at 2000 cals, my new intake is 1900. the calculators arent exact, its all estimate, so we have to fiddle with it until we find what works.

    Good Luck!! Add me if you like!
    Im also doing a lifting program, and struggling with weight.. we can all use more Support!!

    Keep up the good work!

    Thanks so much. I will add you for sure. I can use all the help I can get. I did have a lady post today on the program I'm following that since she started the program she's gained 8lbs but her measurements have stayed the same. Same issue with me. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I will keep lifting because I truly love it but it can be frustrating. And I will never be one who eats 100% clean. I just can't. I've also seen so many women lose weight and look good w/out eating clean so I know it is possible. I try for 90% which I don't think is too bad. Some weeks are better than others.

    I should have been at the gym this morning for lifting or kickboxing but I think i did some damage to my right rotator cuff. It hurts really bad when lifting and after - for days. I've had this for a few weeks now after upping weight and pushing myself. I'm going to make a doc appt and get it checked out so I know for sure what it is. I might need some rehab on it in order to continue. That being said my upper body lifting might have to be put on hold. I'm hoping not but we will see.