Gaining weight back

gameon15 Posts: 8 Member
One of the challenges with emotional eating is that I do really well with staying within my calorie limit, but then some sort of stress will occur in my life & I'll fall off the wagon.
I'm in a bit of a "yo-yo diet" scenario right now - but I guess it's better than just gaining an incredible amount of weight like I used to. I know change doesn't occur overnight, and I try to be gentle with myself - because if I don't I just keep on going.
Something that helps me is logging all of the calories that I eat, even when I fall hard & binge on sweets. I think one of my motivations for doing that I find that it helps me have confidence that I will get back to a healthier lifestyle, rather than completely giving up on myself.

When I gain weight back (I've gained 2 lbs back, haven't lost any in a few weeks), I don't "weigh in" on here to advertise that I've gained it back, but I'm starting to wonder if that'll help me to be more conscious of my eating habits - increase my awareness of what emotional eating does to my body.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on "weighing in" when you gain weight back?


  • angelautomatic
    angelautomatic Posts: 31 Member
    I used to not post on here when I gained weight back. It's hard when I'm gaining weight and others are losing 20+ pounds or whatever. But the more I think about it, the more I think that I'm going to start logging that in, no matter how much it is that I gain. I'm also really bad about not logging calories if I know I'm going to go back over. By logging everything I think I will stay on track more often.