Weekly Meeting #1

Today is our first meeting of this Challenge!!!
WE are meeting at 2pm at Life Nutrition Center for any one that can come :)
During our meetings we will weigh, measure inches, BMI estimates, and talk about a few different topics!
Today we will talk about the Challenge in general, what to look for, calendar of events for this month with the challenge as well as company events, and how to get everyone out and doing something!!
The key is to take back control of your health, fitness, wellness, and LIFE! Don't let society tell you what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, when to rest, when to get up, how much you are worth, ... CONTROL YOUR LIFE!
I am going to be on a journey with you as well -- we are all here to learn from each other and teach one another. We all have obstacles and we all have strengths. Lets figure out & improve our overall health!!
I am going to be focusing on fitness goals, weight goals, size goals, mental health goals, energy goals, and stress goals!!!
With your dedication & determination, you can accomplish anything! Its hard, yes. That is why having someone to help is SOOOO IMPORTANT!!!