No strength in legs!

Copperycat Posts: 215 Member

I did W4D1 today and really struggled with running continuously for 5mins. My heart and my breathing are Ok and I don't feel that is the problem - it is more the muscles in the thigh part of my legs that are the problem. They really ache after about 3 mins (not really painful - just no strength!) and I don't feel able to push through. Will this get better with practice, and is there an exercise I can do that will help?


  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    It gets better.

    Its more challenging for those of us who have a lot of weight to lose, remember you are carrying around some extra poundage. As you lose weight it gets easier, as you run more weeks it gets better. You will build up your muscle stamina.

    I walked 1-3 miles every day for 6 weeks before I started trying to run.

    Consider repeating some training days, and you MUST have at least 1 day of rest in between running. Maybe do each training day twice before moving on to the next one. No one says you have a limited amount of time to finish the program.