A bit confused

I'm about 7 lbs from target. Actually I'm not that bothered about targets. My goal is to live a healthy life. After dd2 was born I weighed over 240 lbs. I now weigh 148. My body fat percentage is about 28-29. I run 4-5 times a week (slowly). I feel well. I've worked out that my BMR is 1350-1400 depending on which calculator I use. My TDEE is about 2000 so my aim on mfp should be 1700 if I fully embrace the eating more strategy.
I came back from vacation last week up the usual few pounds. Mainly because I ate and drank loads. So I've been strictly aiming around 1200 this week but most days I've eaten well above my BMR as I feel rubbish on much less than 1500. I just walk, run, do 30ds etc to allow myself to eat enough.
So in many ways I do the eat more policy automatically. I'm not struggling to lose or feeling rubbish. I do binge with emotional stuff at times still but not that often and I think my vacation gains reflect my over indulgence mostly rather than being the insane gains some people describe when they fall off the wagon. And crazy carb cravings only when I was hungover. I don't usually drink much at all.
The last pounds aren't my concern. I'm wanting to maintain and build muscle on an ongoing basis. What do I do?


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    If you are looking to maintain then eat at your TDEE or slightly above to build muscle (but I would suggest lifting heavy weights to accomplish that).