Training and gaining?!?!? HELP!!!!

AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
Anyone else GAIN weight training for a 1/2 marathon???? I'm up 5 pounds and have 4 more weeks til my first 1/ this normal?


  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    It may be the longer distances you are running. Your muscles are holding / retaining the water for repair.
    From what I understand, you're running 10+ miles now, so that may be the reason why as I am sure you're eating habits have not changed /increased. I am not sure if it's normal, but I've noticed that since I've upped my milage, the weight is not coming off. I haven't gained yet, but it's at an almost standstill.
  • K8T80
    K8T80 Posts: 15 Member
    How are your runs going? How are your clothes fitting? It might be more muscle if you are running faster and doing cross training too.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I was at a stand still forever! I started training this summer and I'm up a solid 5 pounds now. I thought with all the running I would lose this summer and get to my goal weight. I realize (thanks to some great friends on here) I'm holding some water to repair the muscle. When the race is over I don't want to stop long runs (love them) will I ever get to my goal weight?? Is there a trick? I'm only 5'2. I should be under 130. I was at 131 when I started training. Now, I'm all over the scale. I think if I see 140...I will lose it.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    My clothes seem to fit the same. I'm a teacher and go back to work next week...I'm a little scared to put my work clothes on to be honest. Short people 5 pounds is a lot. :angry:
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    I'm only 5'3.5" Amy, so i know what you mean when you say 5lbs is a lot on a short person. I am very close to your weight so I know every pound counts. I still think your body is holding on for repair purposes. We're puting our body's through a lot, so it's just doing its thing so we can do our thing.
    I vote you / we forget the number on the scale for now and just concentrate on training. I'm not saying to not weigh /check in, I'm saying not to put so much emphasis on what it says as long as you know you're eating and training right.
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    how are you doing on calories? if you are not over on calories in your log, is it possible that you are overestimating the calories burned when you run?
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I wear a garmin hrm. I measure out my food. So I think my calories are pretty exact.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Yup, I did too. But my body composition has changed for the better, so I'm not stressing over it. My clothes still fit.
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    im training for half marathon also !
  • jordandis
    jordandis Posts: 9 Member
    I am too!
    And I'm also doing Insanity on and off while i train

    I've put on around 1-2 kilos
    I put my calories back down today after increasing to 1500 to see if this makes a difference..
    I'm only 5'0 also
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I think water repair is likely one culprit. Also, are you eating enough on long run days? In order to net over my BMR I end up having to eat around 3000 calories on long run days. I will likely put weight loss on hold once I get close to my half (which is September for me) and eat at maintenance so that my body gets plenty of fuel for the half.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I wouldn't decrease your calories, or your running is going to suffer. Unless you can see/feel that you are putting on fat - it is visible, you have done a fat calliper test, you have measured, your clothes are tighter - then it is probably muscle and glycogen stores, which is good, not bad.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    Thanks everyone.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    I totally just came on this site to find answers to this same problem! I'm in week 5 of my 1/2 training and I've gained 2.8 lbs. I'm about to lose my sh** b/c I was really hoping to drop at least 10 lbs over the course of 12 weeks! I'm only up to 8 miles in my training and I'm really discouraged to the point that I may quit. I'm in my sister in laws wedding in October and I needed to drop weight, not gain it. This is super freaking me out at this point. I'm 5'5" and 162.8 pounds now. So not happy. I have my calories set at 1567 and to be honest, on the weekends I'm not good at tracking so maybe that's my problem? I know about the muscles and the retention with soreness so I expect that and I also expect to drop a pound a few days after but jeez!!! Why run and burn 2500 calories a week (or whatever it is) and gain!!!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Because it builds cardiovascular fitness, gives you nice calf muscles, and it's fun!
    but jeez!!! Why run and burn 2500 calories a week (or whatever it is) and gain!!!
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Because it builds cardiovascular fitness, gives you nice calf muscles, and it's fun!
    but jeez!!! Why run and burn 2500 calories a week (or whatever it is) and gain!!!

    Oh boy, I wish running was fun!! Could care less about calf muscles!! LOL! I will give you the cardiovascular fitness though ;)
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    Same here, when I start doing long distances I stop losing. So I'll start trying to lose again after my half in Oct - which is kinda annoying. I guess the body gets used to it and therefore doesnt change much as it's the same kinda distances and speed. I guess you could throw in some hill sprints and intervals? Cross training? OR just maintain for now and pick up the weight loss journey after your half.
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    yep i gained about 2kg and also seemed to lose some muscle. However that is more because i decreased my strength workouts as my mileage went up.
    I don't think i was eating quite enough carbs for the long runs either.

    Since then i have learnt that it is so important to fuel your body sufficiently and with the right macros! :)
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Glad I found this thread as it's happening to me too...