"Vacation" Food

pljohnson001 Posts: 50 Member
I am interested in hearing how other RNY/lapbanders handle vacation and/or working out of town. My bariatric team recommends not eating out more than 2xa week which is impossible on the road. I can pick and choose at restaurants, but I have no idea how to record it, and I hate ordering food just to throw it away.

More importantly, my husband and I are having some minor growing pains around the "where do you want to eat" discussion.

Love to read some chat on this topic.


  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    That is very difficult. Its hard to record bites and unless there is some nutritional information you can look up, its hard to know how many calories and other nutrients are in a meal. I tend to try to find something that is relatively close to what I am looking for if I can't find the exact menu item. I will either tend to eat off of everyones plate at the table or order just a side of shrimp or veggies. Most places serve some type of black bean these days and you really can't go wrong with ordering a grilled chicken breast. I hate buffets because its a waste of money!!! Just remember your rules of thumb for measuring 4 ounces of meat is about the size of a deck of cards and a tbsp is about the size of the end of you thumb and you just have to best guess things. Remember it is only for 1 week then you will get back to normal.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I am on vacation right now actually. I am in Las Vegas....the land of the over-indulgent buffet! It is tough to really log acurately, I am making my best guess most of the time. I have also been eating a little more carb wise while here...but I am still under calories and am getting a lot of walking in so I am not going to worry about it too much. I try ordering the healthiest things I can find...and on the buffets I stick to the fish, seafood, lean meat, fruits and veggies. We will see how much damage I have done once I get home Friday!
  • Barbara2420
    Barbara2420 Posts: 51 Member
    Just came back from vacation and it was quite a challenge! I made sure I had a cooler with single serving containers of cottage cheese, greek yogurt, string cheese, etc. I chose protein and salads and tried to stick to what I thought was proper amounts. I was fearful I was eating far too much and dreaded my first weigh in. To my surprise, I lost 3.5 lbs. while away! Hooray!!
  • pljohnson001
    pljohnson001 Posts: 50 Member
    Lost on vacation! :) A dream come true. I guess it's a matter of making good choices and staying as active as possible. Recording it on mfp is secondary. Thanks for your thoughts.
  • pjmcinnis
    pjmcinnis Posts: 71 Member
    I always carry food with me. I have become a huge fan of the flavoured tunas in the smaller cans. I'm particularly fond of the Italien pesto. I just have it on crackers. I usually also carry a protein bar... cheese and crackers are easy to pack in a purse... there is actually quite a bit if you plan a bit in advanced. Carrots and celery, fruit... it just takes a little planning ahead. Easy to record also.