I'm wondering if this could actually work for me?

tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
I have never tried to lose weight, I have never been on a diet, I'm not 'overweight' but I weigh more than I would look to. I have a history with anorexia, I'm still in recovery but I have gained 29lbs since starting recovery again last year. I'm alot better than I used to be, I mean I don't fast anymore but I know the mental side is still really there. I know the advice I may get is don't try and lose weight, focus on your recovery and I am, I'm all for recovery because I want to live a happy and healthy future but I do want to lose weight. I now weigh 102lbs and I'm 5ft, I'm not looking to lose alot, just a few pounds and just change my body.

I run, do HIIT training and do bodyweight training. I have tried other forms of exercise(zumba, strength training and kickboxing) but if I don't enjoy what I'm doing then I will just quit which is why I'm sticking with these. My workouts are really short, which I know probably isn't good but I push myself throughout, I workout for two hours and twenty minutes a week. I have a pretty active job, I work in chlidcare and I'm on my feet for most of my ten hour shift(I work three-four days a week).

I checked my numbers on fat2fit and I believe my tdee is 1995, for moderately active because that is what other people have suggested I am. What would be the best cut 15% or 20%? Do you think this could really work for me? I'm tired of wishing I was someone else, I just want to love my body:(


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    EM2WL generally can work for everybody.
    I am a recovering anorexic myself, but my really bad times are over a decade ago. I still was on low calories though.

    It can be really hard mentally and you have to be ready to make this step. If you are not, I would be careful, cause the weight gain that can come with it, can be challenging. I did gain 10 lbs doing the reset, and even after cutting for almost 4 weeks now I have not lost anything.

    But I am happy where I am now, cause the reset helped me to heal and to build a good relationship to food. I now love to eat, and I am not scared of it any more. But I wont lie, it was not all the way easy. I struggled with the weight gain, but I am glad I stuck it out.

    You have to make the decision for yourself. Ask yourself honestly if you are ready. If you fear, you could relapse, I would wait.
    Just my thoughts
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Oh wow how are you now? Well done for battling through, I hope to one day get there too.
    I don't really feel I need to do a reset because at the moment I eat over 2,000 calories(thank you ensure haha) and my tdee according to fat2fit is only 1,995 so I think maybe it would make more sense to go straight into my cut, what do you think? I want to lose roughly ten pounds give or take, what kind of cut should I have? 15%, 20%, higher or lower?
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I would go with a 10%cut. If you have only little to lose you should choose a smaller cut. And every 4-6 weeks you should eat at TDEE for a week.
    Great, that you are doing so well.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    If I went by a 10% cut, I would eat 1,795 calories(my tdee is 1,995), does that seem too high do you think? I want to aim to lose half a pound per week and with my cut being only 200 calories less than my tdee, do you think it would still be possible? I would like to swap two of my workout days and just have a brisk walk on those days instead as my body seems to be aching more.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Also, I workout twenty minutes a day(helps with the mental side of eating and I don't have much time before work and after work I'm in college or out with friends, I know this goal is so important to me but I still want to have a life haha) and like I said I really push myself but I'm wondering, if I'm not seeing results with it should I workout more or? I have only been working out for about a month consistently, should I wait a few more weeks or change it now?
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I still would go for the 10% cut and not higher. Stick with it and see how it goes. It takes some time to find your sweet spot as to where your body is willingly letting go of the too much. But I would keep the exercise routine as it is for now until your body has adjusted. If you cahnge too many components, your body might take longer to adjust.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Today I have almost stuck to my cut but I have felt more dizzy than usual all day, so I'm thinking after my weigh in tomorrow I'm going to stick to 2,000 for the whole week then weigh in again next week and see how I go. I never eat 2,000 consistently though:/ I'm really nervous lol.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I weighed in today on my new scale and I'm 107.8lbs. I'm not happy with it at all but I've had a good cry and I'm not prepared to relapse because of it. I want to lose 18lbs, so I think I'm going to go with a higher cut, but which do you think is better, 15% or 20%?
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I weighed in today on my new scale and I'm 107.8lbs. I'm not happy with it at all but I've had a good cry and I'm not prepared to relapse because of it. I want to lose 17lbs, so I think I'm going to go with a higher cut, but which do you think is better, 15% or 20%?
    I'm thinking my new weight puts my tdee at 2034, so I'm going to aim for 1,700 calories. So my weekly deficit will be 3038(including exercise calories), I know 3,500 makes a pound but do you think it's possible to lose 17lbs in four months?
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    This has been a slow process for almost everyone who has engaged in EM2WL I don't want you to set a goal and feel like you have failed. Most of us set size or measurement goals since the scale is so deceiving. When you work out your muscles fill with glycogen and water to repair which show on the scale but the tape measure may go down a half an inch because your body is more compact with muscle instead of fat. (And I am just repeating what I have read so anyone, please feel free to explain scale deception more completely).

    My hope for you is that you can continue to eat at 10% cut and patiently wait for the results that will come. It may very well happen in 4 months or it may not but having your health as the goal is ideal :)

    If anyone has lost 17 lbs in 4 months I'm sure they'll speak up.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    This has been a slow process for almost everyone who has engaged in EM2WL I don't want you to set a goal and feel like you have failed. Most of us set size or measurement goals since the scale is so deceiving. When you work out your muscles fill with glycogen and water to repair which show on the scale but the tape measure may go down a half an inch because your body is more compact with muscle instead of fat. (And I am just repeating what I have read so anyone, please feel free to explain scale deception more completely).

    My hope for you is that you can continue to eat at 10% cut and patiently wait for the results that will come. It may very well happen in 4 months or it may not but having your health as the goal is ideal :)

    If anyone has lost 17 lbs in 4 months I'm sure they'll speak up.
    My measurements haven't changed in the last month, am I being too impatient or not working hard enough?
    I want to lose weight, but I want it to be sustainable so I don't mind if it took years.
    These last few days, I have eaten quite a bit less than usual(roughly 1,300 calories a day), I have felt more dizzy than usual all day but I'm sleeping eight hours a night, and still drinking 3-4 litres a day. Then today, it was my first workout of the week(changed my routine)and usually I can run no problem but I couldn't even do my full run without a five minute break in between and my body's really feeling it, I'm aching all over and usually after my runs I'm fine. I don't really feel hungry, but I'm feeling really faint, do you think it's just my body adjusting? I want to up my calories to at least 1,500 but it's such a struggle.