Response to carbs changing as you lose weight?

darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
Alright, last year I started eating low carb because I was not losing weight with straight calorie counting. Low carb did the trick and helped immensely with my cravings. I was about 195 when I started eating low carb (almost obese and highly overweight for my height). The past couple of weeks, my eating has been horrible-lots of sugar and bad carbs, maybe a few "good" days thrown in. I still had a calorie deficit, and I actually lost 1.6 pounds. I would have thought I would have gained weight with my heavy carb intake, but I didn't.
So, my question is, did you find that your body's response to carbs changed when you got to a healthy weight? I am 166.4, so almost at the top of the healthy weight range according to BMI. In the past, when I have gone over on carbs, I haven't lost weight, even with a calorie deficit. I generally needed to stay under 100 carbs 5-6 days of the week to lose weight, under 60 to lose weight easily.


  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    That's normal I think. The more weight you loose and longer you go with carb restriction the better your insulin response will likely be.

    DON'T make the mistake that I did years ago thinking that it won't catch up to you and that you can start eating "normal" again, because you'll be right back where you were in the matter of a few years.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    That's normal I think. The more weight you loose and longer you go with carb restriction the better your insulin response will likely be.

    DON'T make the mistake that I did years ago thinking that it won't catch up to you and that you can start eating "normal" again, because you'll be right back where you were in the matter of a few years.

    My understanding as well.

    Now that you're healthier, you're likely more insulin sensitive and respond better to it.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    If you take the view that such things as grains, legumes, rice, processed food, etc are not optimal nutrition anyway (fat loss aside) then it becomes easier to just not eat them.

    It would be fatal to successfully lose weight then just go back to food pyramid and expect to maintain good health.

    Given each time that we put on weight we permanently gain fat cells (depressing but true) and each time that we restrict diet through calories our bodies metabolically adjust downwards it makes the process of weight gain so much easier on a sub-optimal diet.

    My 'normal' diet is the one that I am on right now, there will be deviations occasionally (we have to live) but they will not be the mainstay of my nutrition.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks everyone! Don't worry, I am definitely NOT returning to my old carb filled lifestyle. The past couple of weeks are definitely not my new norm. It sucked eating 1,000 calories of macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and creamed corn, and then starving again 2 hours later!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    That's normal I think. The more weight you loose and longer you go with carb restriction the better your insulin response will likely be.

    DON'T make the mistake that I did years ago thinking that it won't catch up to you and that you can start eating "normal" again, because you'll be right back where you were in the matter of a few years.

    My understanding as well.

    Now that you're healthier, you're likely more insulin sensitive and respond better to it.

    I'd be more likely to also believe you've become more insulin-sensitive. It also depends on your activity level. After intense workouts (heavy weights or HIIT-type exercise) you are also more insulin-sensitive when you've depleted your muscle glycogen stores.
  • Clownfish423
    Clownfish423 Posts: 108 Member
    DON'T make the mistake that I did years ago thinking that it won't catch up to you and that you can start eating "normal" again, because you'll be right back where you were in the matter of a few years.

    I made the exact same mistake! It was sad.
  • kimmbird
    kimmbird Posts: 55
    Thanks darrcn5, I am glad I saw your post because I hv been LC x 4 mths. I hv added a very small amount of carbs. First berries, then 1/3 c brown rice. Now - 1/2 slice sprouted organic bread and this is where I will stop.

    I hv noticed my energy level has improved, my appetite for food has returned (which I do like, but scary), and I hv continued maintaining my wt.

    I think this is all a good thing, but not sure. Dose anyone hv their oppionion on this? What is this about insulin sensitive? It sounds like it might be a gd thing. Is it different from resistant. I will research it as well, but I am kinda confussed and I think it is an important piece of info.

    I am like darrcn..I am not going back there, however understanding goes a long way to help make good and sound decisions.