What defines a binge for you?

I'm struggling with this issue right now. I promised myself that when I can go 60 days binge free, I get an iPhone. I did binge, but I'm having trouble deciding whether recent eating episodes qualify as binges. I don't feel out of control, per say, but there is a definite impulse control problem, and eating for the sheer sake of eating, not out of hunger, or even out of emotion or boredom. So what makes an eating event a binge, rather than overeating (even by a large amount, or do you think there is even a difference?). I'm curious, since I'm having such trouble defining for myself what my behavior truly is, what other people's experiences are. Do I truly suffer a binge eating disorder, or is it more a problem of lack of impulse control? Does it matter, if the results are the same?


  • stacylperry
    stacylperry Posts: 66 Member
    If you get an answer to your question please let me know... Im not sure if what i did last night was a binge or an impulse control.
  • Hi! I understand your frustration - I've been there a million times!

    I think a binge is qualified as a loss of control. or that feeling that you can't stop.

    There's a difference being at a fun dinner and enjoying rich foods and desserts with friends because you want those things at the time...

    or enjoying something unhealthy that you know isn't good for the waistline because you want it and it sounds good


    Eating as much as you can of that dinner out, and as much dessert as possible, and maybe even stopping for more treats on the way home as if it's going to be the last time you eat, or you're "starting back tomorrow" with the diet...

    or eating as much of you can of the unhealthy treat of choice to stuff down feelings, or because you're bored, or to gt that full feeling in your stomach because it relaxes you

    Been in all 4 of these scenarios!!

    I think the defining factor is the loss of self control and feeling almost like you have no choice or you're fighting another person inside of you (binge) vs. choosing to eat something you know you shouldn't just because it sounds good or you want it (impulse control)

    Did this make any sense?

    I think the main thing to focus on is not the disorder, or the binging or overeating, but rather the positive. When I switched from thinking "I have to do this to lose weight" or "I have to stop binge eating" to thinking about what I needed to give my body to be healthy and strong, the binges got few and far between and my weight started coming off. It took a while to reprogram this mindset as I've dealt with issues around food and my body my entire life but switching my focus works wonders. What we focus on expands, what we give energy to grows etc soooo I say focus on the positive. It worked miracles for me!

    Good luck with everything! and let me know if you need anything :)