My Stage 1 Results!!

Day 1 (07/09/2012) of New Rules Measurements:
Bust: 37
Waist: 39
L. Arm: 12.5
R. Arm: 12
Hips: 43.5
Neck: 13
L. Thigh: 25
R. Thigh: 25.5
Weight: 200lbs
Pant Size: loose 14
Shirt Size: Large (or super super tight medium)

Day 1 Workout A
Single-Legged Squats: on bench (eeeeh form)
Push-Ups:30 degrees with horrible form. Only did 2x11.
DB Bent Over Rows:30lbs
Step-Ups: 6-inch step (confused so my foot touched the ground) 15lbs
Prone Jackknife: 2x5 with TERRIBLE form

Day 1 Workout B
Deadlift: 45lbs
DB Shoulder Press: 30lbs
Pullover (with barbell) 10lbs
Split-Leg Lunges: 30lbs
Swiss-Ball Crunch: 2x8 with shakey form

Last Workout A
Single-Legged Squats: Off bench with 20lbs
Push-Ups: On floor with improved form (but still more work needs to be done)
DB Bent Over Row: 50lbs
Step-Ups: 6-inch step (no longer touching ground at all) 50lbs
Prone Jackknife: Resting in plank! And didn't fall off at all!!

Last Workout B
Deadlifts: 100lbs
DB Shoulder Press: 40lbs
Pullovers: 25lbs
Split-Leg Lunges: 60lbs
Swiss-Ball Crunches: with 15lb plates

08/13/2012 Measurements
Bust: 35.5
Waist: 36
L. Arm: 12
R. Arm: 12
Hips: 41
Neck: 12
L. Thigh: 23.5
R. Thigh: 24
Weight: 196.5
Pant Size: Muffin topping into a size 10 skinny jean (but more like a loose 12 lol)
Shirt size: some smalls and mediums are getting loose.

I also did limited "intense" cardio due to heat, plantar fasciitis, and general fatigue.

Here are the links to my photos since i'm terrible at posting pictures (:


  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Great progress! Good for you! Enjoy your rest week(s).
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Great results! Very proud of you!!!
  • Thanks ladies!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Excellent job! Keep it up!
  • Amazing progress! Great inspiration for me!! Thank you!!!!! Keep up the great work!!
  • TeslaJoule
    TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
    You go girlie! Great definition in your back! Love seeing the before and afters! You lost some serious inches too. Great job!
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    Good for you! So happy to see results.
  • Sammylynn89
    Sammylynn89 Posts: 83 Member
    awesome job!! I just finished Stage 1 workout B1, cant wait to see some results like you have!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Great progress! Congrats!
  • Thanks y'all. I was curious if my pictures showed that much of a difference. LOL.
    Some times it is hard to see on yourself, isn't it?
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    what do you mean about step ups and touching your foot down?
  • what do you mean about step ups and touching your foot down?

    When id go down in my step ups I would place my foot all the way down on the ground instead of making the foot on the bench do all the work.
    I have no idea if I explained it right, sorry lol.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Amazing results! I'd be over the moon! The pics are great but I find with my pics that it is best if I am in the same distance to the camera in both pics if that makes sense. I can see a difference though and your calf looks brill!
  • Amazing results! I'd be over the moon! The pics are great but I find with my pics that it is best if I am in the same distance to the camera in both pics if that makes sense. I can see a difference though and your calf looks brill!

    Thank you! I have been grooving on my calves. Flexing whenever I am not in jeans, haha.
    Hubby said the same thing about distance, so I getcha.
    For my stage 2 results I will make sure to try and keep the distance similar so I can tell better.
    And again, thanks for the kind words (:
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    You are doing awesome!!! Great great great results!!!

    Keep it up!!!