Start weight!

I actually started "Ripped in 30" 4 days ago. Pretty close to the same thing as the "30 day shred." Not exactly sure what my start weight is, but we will say 155. I love the work out but Man its tough! But I feel so much better after I get it done! Putting in the DVD is always the hardest part for me! lol! I get bored really easy to i will probably though in my Hip Hop 10 min solution DVD to break it up a little bit! I love to do the Zumba and Dance DVDs more than anything else. But I know Jillian will take away the inches! Those looking to loose weight dont get discouraged because I have heard numerous times Jillians DVDs take off inches not weight! But inches are good for me! Thats what people see! Not the number on the scale... even though I do like to see that go down too! Good Luck Ladies! Lets do this!