Help (but be kind)!!

skrentz Posts: 55 Member
I am really at a loss. I am getting VERY frustrated and in need of advice and encouragement.
A bit about me. I am 39, 2 kids (C-section). I am 4'10" and weight about 132 with a body fat of 31-35 depending on how I test. I have been on MFP for a couple years and have really seen no change. I have been tracking my food, though most weekends I don't get to log much and frankly cut a bit loose -adult beverages etc but not going NUTS. I have been working out regularly for about 2.5 years beginning with treadmill, eliptical and then Body Pump. This year in January I started lifting heavy, doing Strong Lifts 5X5 and most recently Mad Cow for the last month or so. I do HIIT 2 days a week (Dana Lynn Bailey's 5 for 5) and Lift 3 times a week. I ride my bike to and from the Y (6 miles total) 2 times a week and usually walk the dog, ride bike w/ kids another day or 2 a week. Recently upped my cals to 1700 and sometimes don't eat my cals back....... blah blah blah (sorry) so here is the real question.
I know EM2WL makes a ton of sense and I plan on changing my lifestyle soon, BUT I am going on a beach Vaca in 31 days!!!! I can't even think of gaining weight eating TDEE until after I am back. So your thoughts please. What can I do to improve my figure for vacation and what should my plan be when I come home??
My diary is open if you want to peak, but please be kind!
Sorry for the ramble and Thanks in advance.


  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm guessing the reason you're reluctant to start eating more until after your vacation is that you're afraid you're going to gain noticeable weight if you do. What you might try is just upping your calories a bit, and gradually--100-200 a week, say. That really shouldn't affect your overall weight.

    Also, try to eat more protein, especially since you're lifting. Shoot for 1g per pound of lean body mass (66-69% of your current weight, given your body fat percentage).

    Those are small steps you'll need to take anyway. Bear in mind that the EM2WL approach is inherently a gradual one, though--you're not going to make dramatic changes between now and your vacation. It WILL help you make changes that are sustainable and long-lasting, though!
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Hey there!

    Wow that's a lot of exercise go you!! But eating only 1700 cals, you're probably not netting your BMR and thus your body still thinks it's starving and would just want to hold onto whatever it can and also burn up muscle for fuel.

    I think that if you don't want to do your TDEE reset until after your holiday (understandably), you should at least up your cals to your TDEE - 15% cut for the next 31 days. Or at the very least, just make sure you net slightly your BMR if you're working up to eating much more. Have you worked out your stats yet? And as azalais said, definitely try to smash your protein macro every day. Your body and muscles need so much fuel with all that exercise!

    If you do go with your cut value, exercise is already factored in, so you don't need to worry about eating back or not eating back exercise cals. Most here put their exercise in at the end of the day just to ensure they're netting BMR.

    Good luck! It's scary but we're all doing this together and there is always someone here to help! :)
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Oh, one more thing. Good macro goals to aim for are 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat