Flat stomach/back

i'm a swimmer and so i workout a lot including running, lifting and yoga, along with the workouts in the pool. but for some reason i cant loose any weight off my stomach or back! i eat healthy and i dont over eat so i dont know what the problem is. anyone have any suggestions...please?


  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    You will lose fat from wherever your body decides to lose from -- you can't make it take from the place you want it to, because it won't listen. You'll just have to keep losing body fat from wherever it decides to take it from and eventually you'll begin to lose off of your torso as well. It's the sad truth. I also carry all of my excess fat on my torso (stomach and back), so I know how it feels. I'll probably have to get body fat into the mid to low teens before I ever see abs, which makes me sad.

    However, I have seen great improvement in my over all body composition ever since I added regular, heavy full body weight training into my routine. I recommend StrongLifts as a launching point, if you don't have a routine already. If you do -- patience and a calorie deficit.
  • Thanks so much! I do have my own routine already but i will take yours into consideration to try something new!