Do I need to eat more???

caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
OK, so I know I've vented plenty since doing my cut and seeing no results. 6 weeks into cut and I'm still in the same boat. Actually, I've GAINED 1 inch on each thigh, half an inch on my waist, a full inch and a quarter on my hips.

For 4 weeks I've been eating my 15% cut. Here are my stats :
168 lbs
27 years old
goal weight is 160 for right now, and goal measurements is to go back to fitting into my clothes!

My workout schedule is as follows :
Monday, Wed, Fri - 25 minutes moderately cycling on stationary bike + 10 minutes of yoga, lifting 8 lb kettle bells for 5 minutes,
20 minute walk with the kids
Tuesday and Thursday - kettle bell workout with 8 lb weights for about 15 minutes, stationary bike for 25 minutes, walk for 20
minutes with kids, 10 minutes of yoga and stretching
Sunday I do Sunday school and stand/move about quite a bit for about an hour

Other than these times of exercise I do normal housework, cooking, running errands, etc.

By my calculations by hours I would be put into the strenuous category. For the past 3 days I've been eating the difference between moderate and strenuous (about 2180 calories)

My previous calorie intake was based on moderate exercise. This is a 2-300 calorie difference upping it to strenuous. Could this be why I have seen WORSE results, and not better? Eating too few calories? Should I eat the full 2298 as suggested by scooby as strenuous? I felt better on reset eating 2400 calories a day than I do now. I'm pudgy all over and feel like a nasty pig. I am so tired of watching this stuff! The whole point of me starting EM2WL was to not have to watch calories and all that crap. I just want to live my life!

Please help!!! I've given it 6 weeks and should have seen something by now! I braced myself for not seeing results for a while because this is my last 10 pounds, but going UP in measurements is ridiculous.

I'm going to give it about 4 more weeks and if I don't see something move, I'm done and I'll just eat at BMR + calories burned.


  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    Ugh, that is so frustrating !! I had a similar experience, not knowing if I was calculating my TDEE correctly or not based on my activity. As I see it, you have a few options. 1) you can up your calories to the guesstimated activity level, 2) you can adjust your activity (less cardio, more weight training) to fit your calories consumed, or 3) get a BodyMediaFit and determine exactly how many calories you are expending daily.

    Regardless of which option you choose, you'll need to give your 'selected choice' a couple of weeks to see if it is working.

    Also, If I am reading your post right, it seems like you are doing the same workout M-F, with the exception of 10 minutes more KB on tu/th. You might consider focusing your efforts so every other day you are using a different set of muscles. Our bodies are extremely efficient and can quickly get accustom to the same activity every day.

    I wish I could tell you yeah, just up your calories but that may or may not be it :) Hang in there! You are the expert at knowing your body, keep reading and trust what you feel. Again, whatever you try, do it for several weeks before you rule it out. And, make sure you are getting all your protein in.

    Let us know what you decide to do...
  • caseyj6206
    caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks! Just needed to vent. This is so frustrating! Hopefully upping my calories with shift something!
  • Honestly, I think you're overestimating your activity. I would say your activity is moderate rather than strenuous.
  • caseyj6206
    caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
    Honestly, I think you're overestimating your activity. I would say your activity is moderate rather than strenuous.

    OK, from what I read through the other posts they say to add up the time you exercise, not the strenuousness of it. Purely adding up the time I exercise I work out 6 hours per week, putting me into the strenuous category. This is why I'm eating in between the 2 categories and not full-blown strenuous. I added about 100 calories to what I was eating... am I wrong to just add the time?
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    Honestly, I think you're overestimating your activity. I would say your activity is moderate rather than strenuous.

    me too^
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 578 Member
    The walks with the kids are where I would struggle since they're most likely leisurely unless you're pushing them in a stroller. I would either not count them or count them as less which would put you back into a moderate category.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Honestly, I think you're overestimating your activity. I would say your activity is moderate rather than strenuous.

    I agree. You are overestimating your activity Level. I am not even sure if moderate would be applicable.
  • caseyj6206
    caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am adjusting my calories accordingly and no wonder it's not working! I'm going to aim for between light and moderate because the kids ride their bikes as I walk so it's a pretty heavy duty walk we go on and I stay pretty active during the day even though it's not "exercise"
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am adjusting my calories accordingly and no wonder it's not working! I'm going to aim for between light and moderate because the kids ride their bikes as I walk so it's a pretty heavy duty walk we go on and I stay pretty active during the day even though it's not "exercise"

    Have you thought of getting a HRM or an activity tracker like Fitbit? It really helped me to figure out how active I actually was/ am.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I also think strenuous doesn't fit here.

    THe thing is, all of these online calculators are estimates. So even though for the most part you go by hours you have to look at the overall picture.

    I would say you fall into moderate.