F*** chocolate!

skinimin Posts: 252 Member
Sorry to be crass but seriously, f*** chocolate. F it's power over me, f the way that sometimes its all I can think about, f that it's usually what breaks me. F that once I get started its so hard to stop, f that it tastes so damn good but has nothing nutritionally good about it.

Maybe I'm being a little bit over the top here but I've spent so long thinkining that chocolate is nice an sweet and brings me happiness but it doesn't and I'm sick of it. So like a date that's stood me up, instead of feeling sorry for myself and calling on him I'm just going to get angry. Just get out of my head and out of my life because you're no good for me.

Hmm, interesting results healthy eating can have on food perception. Anyone else peeved at chocolate or any of their other favorite desserts?


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Please do not feel that you have to give up all chocolate. Small amounts are actually good for you. Try dark chocolate...that is where the health benefits are. If you really love chocolate, then you should be able to eat the dark kind. If not, give it a try. I think that you will love it as much as the milk chocolate.
  • Hah, I love your rant. And I do notice that the better I eat, the less interested I am in unhealthy things and quick sugar highs. It's like breaking a life-long addiction!
  • viragogurl
    viragogurl Posts: 2 Member
    I can identify with what you're saying, but I can't actually go that route. I've tried many times to eliminate things from my diet that I find incredible tasting. It only makes me more ravenous when I finally cave in. If I'm craving something, I allow it in my plan and then work around it.Like, right now I'm eating chips ahoy chocolate chunk cookies for breakfast. There's no use denying it. But I can limit myself to cookies for breakfast and know that I'm going to have something fabulous for breakfast tomorrow, if I can just get through today. It works much better for me than trying to deny my love of chocolate.
  • I agree with viragogurl, don't totally deny your cravings, but think moderation. I am a chocoholic, if I don't have chocolate in the house and have a craving I will eat a semi sweet square of Baker's Choc. That settle's my craving and I can move on. I have a small amount of chocolate almost every day, and that works for me. Dark choc is best for you, but I am a milk choc kinda gal. If I don't give in once in a while I will binge on it and that is really bad. I just joined MFP, but have lost 6lbs. in 21 days. I'm happy with 2 lbs a week. I still have more to go, but I'm not starving and I think this will really work for me. Best of Luck to you!
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    But it's so good! You don't have to completely give it up! A healthy diet balanced with the occasional treat will keep you sane! I know it helps me!
  • aimeealee
    aimeealee Posts: 36 Member
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I was able to beat my addiction to chocolate by buying protein powder with chocolate flavor, and cocoa powder, and seriously they taste like chocolate ice cream :)
    The chocolately demon combines high amounts of fat and sugar all in one calorie-condensed square. Semi sweet organic chocolate chips are pretty good if you are trying to beat your addiction, but you have to set rules, and if you are in doubt of your willpower, don't buy it. :P