Started insanity 13/08/12 any1 on same phase?

Started Insanity this week!

Calves are on fire but love this workout. Dont want to miss a single day cant wait for results!

Any workout buddies to share the pain with??


  • beckysbeauties
    beckysbeauties Posts: 61 Member
    I am starting today! I am a little scared about what I am getting myself into but after a little indulgence over my vacation I need something to get me back into the swing of things. I'll let you know how it goes!
  • InsaneReidy
    Hey if you cant indulge on holiday when can you :)

    This workout is intimidating to all i think, but we are all after the same results so stick at it and GOOD LUCK!

    One thing i would say is to start it on the Monday so you dont get lost on the calender, its just easier!

    I wanted to start last week so i did the fit test last friday recorded results, then come monday i did the fit test again without recording results.

    Let me no how you get on......
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    I started august 6th
  • Whart0603
    Whart0603 Posts: 92 Member
    My wife and I started on the 13th also. My calves are also and triceps are sore! My wife said her legs hurt to sit down and stand up.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Hehe my whole body hurt the first week and after stop smoking my heart and lung hurt too, now in my second week, huge difference with day 1 ><
  • InsaneReidy
    Well spose they dont call it insanity for nothing..

    Good 2know others are on the same day and hurting 2 lol.

    How did you both find the recovery disc 2day? It was nice for a break from intense cardio but those deep squats i couldnt hold for longer than a few seconds, absolute killer!
  • InsaneReidy
    Its good to hear week 2 gets better RotterdamNL

    Nice one for stopping smoking ive jus done the same :) !!!
  • Whart0603
    Whart0603 Posts: 92 Member
    We haven't done recovery day yet. We'll be doing it when we get off work in a few hours. I'll let ya know how it goes!
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    I just did the recovery for the second time and although i still sweated alot i found it very boring cause i am used to more sweat now lol but i did my tapout xt workout this morning so it is all good.
  • InsaneReidy
    ok keep updated........

    Pure cardio tomorrow this one looks tough see how it goes :s
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Hehe pure cardio is hardcore!! For me it is cardio power and resistance tomorrow :)
  • InsaneReidy
    yh it looks it !!! i had a peek and wish i didnt lol!

    Power and resistance is my fav so far!! :)
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    plyo is my less favorite :)
  • Whart0603
    Whart0603 Posts: 92 Member
    You're right, those squats/lunges are killer. Pure cardio tonight.
  • BackinShape001
    I have 10 days left to Insanity and believe me, it's always hard.
    About the hurting, I have used Glutamine in my postworkout shake to help with muscle repair since the beginning and it helps cause I skip it 3 days ago and i was hurting the day after so I finally had the confirmation that I wasn't using it for nothing
  • jenjones28
    jenjones28 Posts: 66 Member
    I started 8-14-12. So Tuesdays are actually my Monday workouts, and Mondays are my day "off". Every part of my body hurts! I've gained two pounds, which I'm trying not to pay attention to. I'm going to try weighing only on fitness test days.
  • rnb1127
    rnb1127 Posts: 23 Member
    Yesterday I completed the warmup and fit test -- All I can say is OMG...I gave every it everything I had but (TMI) I ended up throwing up my previous meal and my quads are really sore today :sick:

    If this was just the warm up and fit test I am terrified of what's to come in the "real" workout but I will try again today and stop as many times as I need to until I build up to steps. Goodluck everyone!!
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    hahaha i am sorry but that made me laugh :laugh: but dont worry, i've read many reports from people throwing up the first time, i am glad no1 saw me on the first day, was the same day i quitted smoking after 16 yrs, i had to stop every 10 seconds, my heartrate went skyhigh, my lungs hurted, it was a mess.

    Now i am 1 day away of my second week, totally not happy with tomorrow, pure cardio AND cardio abs ugh but it goes alot better then last week lol although i really wasnt happy doing it.
  • InsaneReidy
    I started 8-14-12. So Tuesdays are actually my Monday workouts, and Mondays are my day "off". Every part of my body hurts! I've gained two pounds, which I'm trying not to pay attention to. I'm going to try weighing only on fitness test days.

    I kinda did the same i started the friday before with the fit test, recorded my results and did the fit test again on the monday just so i wouldnt get confused,

    Yh sounds like i good idea to way in on fit test days. Your body might of gone into shock survival mode and is trying to hold onto energy stores but keep it up and im sure you will see results.

    Keep posting and let me no, GOOD LUCK :)
  • InsaneReidy
    Yesterday I completed the warmup and fit test -- All I can say is OMG...I gave every it everything I had but (TMI) I ended up throwing up my previous meal and my quads are really sore today :sick:

    If this was just the warm up and fit test I am terrified of what's to come in the "real" workout but I will try again today and stop as many times as I need to until I build up to steps. Goodluck everyone!!

    LOL.... yh fit test and warm up are no piece of cake, and dont worry ive thrown up once as well, its just a sign of how unfit we are and will get better :)