New to NROLFW - Transition from Strongifts 5x5

andrea9873 Posts: 171 Member
Hi all...there's so much information in the book and I'm overwhelmed as to where to start. I've been doing a hybrid Stronglifts 5x5 with my own thing since early July mainly have been working on form and overall basics...but not sure which Stage to begin with NROLFW. I downloaded Maggie's log. Stage 1A starts with 2x15? this is so different from where I am currently...just want to be sure I can transition from one program to another.


  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I was annoyed with phase 1 also, because I have done low-reps-high-weight in the past and didn't see the point of starting with such high reps. But since I was pretty out of shape at the time I decided to just go with the program, and I can't say I'm sorry I did it. It does a nice job of easing you into higher weight and I think the high reps are especially useful for perfecting your form.

    The nice thing about NROL is that it will get all your balance muscles and rotators (I think that's called supplemental or assistance excercises) that you wouldn't focus on so much with a program like Stronglifts.

    That said, there's no reason you can't or shouldn't transistion from Stronglifts to NROL. It comes down to your preference. If anything you might want to shorten Phase 1 because it is quite long.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I did high endurance strength training (moderate weights, high reps, 3 sets) before starting Stage 1. I would highly recommend beginning there regardless of your past experience. I've actually reconnected with my body and was able to focus more on form rather than cranking out reps. I will admit, I was afraid to start in Stage 1 since I was going to be starting at such high weights because of my lifting history, but so what?! I've just built more strength by doing it. (I almost skipped it and went to stage 2, but some nice ladies pointed out that I wouldn't hurt anything by starting at the beginning.) Just give it a go! I think you'll like it. :flowerforyou: