Goodbye Intervals - Starting week 7 mid August?



  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    I am graduating the program tonight! Running and timing a 3 mile run...last time I did it in 32:46 so I'm hoping for a PR!

    First 5k race is on Saturday, I'm so excited!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I am graduating the program tonight! Running and timing a 3 mile run...last time I did it in 32:46 so I'm hoping for a PR!

    First 5k race is on Saturday, I'm so excited!

    Good Luck with your race, and congrats on finishing the program!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Finished Week 7 Day 3

    I didn't follow the program, instead I ran 3.1 miles in 39 minutes.
    Also did the 5 minute warm-up and cool-down

    6 more training days until my 5K race on Sept 8

    Sounds like you have graduated!! Way to go, Cobra. Can you believe a few short weeks ago, we were dreading the 20 min?

    I'm still gonna finish out the program though. I'm already thinking about the B210k - Bridge to 10K. After all, I won't know what I can accomplish unless I keep pushing the boundaries.

    This morning when I was running I was wondering how much easier this would be if I wasn't 228 lbs? As time goes by I plan to find out!
  • lmeslie
    lmeslie Posts: 46 Member
    It's nice to see so many people working towards the same goal! I am in week 7 and I seriously never thought I would get this far. I also use the Nike+ app to keep track of my distance and pace and I find that it really helps. I feel silly because I run super slow (I'm 5'0 and new to running), but it's still running nonetheless. Congrats to everyone for making it this far, especially to those who have graduated! Feel free to add me for support the rest of the way! I'm excited for the weather to dip below the 90's so I can stop running on the indoor track at my gym and run outdoors.
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    It's nice to see so many people working towards the same goal! I am in week 7 and I seriously never thought I would get this far. I also use the Nike+ app to keep track of my distance and pace and I find that it really helps. I feel silly because I run super slow (I'm 5'0 and new to running), but it's still running nonetheless. Congrats to everyone for making it this far, especially to those who have graduated! Feel free to add me for support the rest of the way! I'm excited for the weather to dip below the 90's so I can stop running on the indoor track at my gym and run outdoors.

    Slow is ok! I'm almost 5'11, and I'm slow too....if I want to get through the whole workout, that is. Speed will come with time.

    Today - I finished week 7. Slower than my paces earlier in the week - but got through it much better. I really have trouble staying at a reasonable pace outside, and it messes me up. Lesson learned....maybe....

    On to week 8!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Week 8, Day 1

    I'm pushing past the program but still using the app when I'm out.
    Today I also tracked using Nike Run+
    Went 3.41 miles 45:51 average 13'25" per mile

    I think I'm going to try an extra .2 mile per workout, and I'll run every other day for the next 12 days. We'll see what the extra distance does for my time. Last time out I got dry mouth before the end. I haven't been taking water with me but I can see now I'm at the point of not wanting to wait til I get back home. So I took 16 oz Gatorade with me and hid the bottle behind a rock after 1 mile. On my way back I had done 2.4 miles and I paused at the rock to retrieve my bottle. Definitely hard to drink from a wide mouth bottle and run at the same time. But it helped A LOT with recovery. So I guess I need to work on getting a belt that can hold a bottle since I hate to have anything in my hands when running.

    Also gonna have to load more songs on my playlist! I used to get 3/4 of the way thru the small list but now I play the full list and it starts repeating.

    Next stop, MONDAY!
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    Week 8, Day 1

    I'm pushing past the program but still using the app when I'm out.
    Today I also tracked using Nike Run+
    Went 3.41 miles 45:51 average 13'25" per mile

    You are awesome :)
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    I'm doing week 7 day 2 tomorrow. Yesterday I improved my speed / distance from last time out so I'm interested to see how I do tomorrow. It is however, meant to rain all day, which I am not looking forward to, as I've never really ran in the rain. Need to man up!
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm doing week 7 day 2 tomorrow. Yesterday I improved my speed / distance from last time out so I'm interested to see how I do tomorrow. It is however, meant to rain all day, which I am not looking forward to, as I've never really ran in the rain. Need to man up!
    I ran outside in light rain today. It was surprisingly fun. Wear a cap or visor. I track pace etc on my phone, so I had that in a zip log Baggie inside my armband. Get out and have fun with it :)

  • trizzell79
    trizzell79 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm also doing W7D2 tomorrow! I'm a bit nervous about me knees, they bothered me during and after W7D1. I hope I can do this!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Week 8, Day 2

    3.6 miles
    50 minutes
    13.9 min per mile

    I picked up a hydration belt yesterday and carried a bottle of Gatorade on my back. The belt didn't bother me at all, and for me that's better than carrying a bottle in my hand. It was nice to be able to take a hit or two every mile instead of waiting til I got home.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Week 8, Day 3

    Poor GPS signal
    Forgot to hit 'start' on my HRM
    Smart phone locked up at about 1.7 miles
    Legs complaining, breathing & hydration okay

    I think I did about 3.6 - 3.8 miles. No idea of pace. I just decided to finish out the run without stats, I'm trying to build up endurance for Sept 8 5K
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    So I finished week 7 today, did an extra 2mins on the end just to see if I could! Was at least dry today, got soaked on Monday! Think I covered 2.6 miles in my 27 mins of actual running. Onwards and upwards!
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    I wish i was as far as you guys! I only completed w1d2 today! And I struggled! Have a 5k I signed p for in 8 weeks so hopefully I'm in enough shape by then!
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    So I finished week 7 today, did an extra 2mins on the end just to see if I could! Was at least dry today, got soaked on Monday! Think I covered 2.6 miles in my 27 mins of actual running. Onwards and upwards!
    Awesome - you're doing great!!

    I'm struggling to jog the whole thing when I'm outside - still having trouble controlling the pace. On a treadmill, piece of cake. Boring though....
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    I wish i was as far as you guys! I only completed w1d2 today! And I struggled! Have a 5k I signed p for in 8 weeks so hopefully I'm in enough shape by then!
    Just keep at it - I struggled parts of every week - including week 1. Just take it slow.

  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    I wish i was as far as you guys! I only completed w1d2 today! And I struggled! Have a 5k I signed p for in 8 weeks so hopefully I'm in enough shape by then!
    Just keep at it - I struggled parts of every week - including week 1. Just take it slow.


    Yep, its tough going but keep at it and you'll feel fabulous!
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    So I finished week 7 today, did an extra 2mins on the end just to see if I could! Was at least dry today, got soaked on Monday! Think I covered 2.6 miles in my 27 mins of actual running. Onwards and upwards!
    Awesome - you're doing great!!

    I'm struggling to jog the whole thing when I'm outside - still having trouble controlling the pace. On a treadmill, piece of cake. Boring though....

    See I've never ran on a treadmill so I can't compare it but I much prefer the idea of running outside. Freedom to go where and how fast / slow you wanna go! And its interesting to see how fast that is!
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    So I finished week 7 today, did an extra 2mins on the end just to see if I could! Was at least dry today, got soaked on Monday! Think I covered 2.6 miles in my 27 mins of actual running. Onwards and upwards!
    Awesome - you're doing great!!

    I'm struggling to jog the whole thing when I'm outside - still having trouble controlling the pace. On a treadmill, piece of cake. Boring though....

    See I've never ran on a treadmill so I can't compare it but I much prefer the idea of running outside. Freedom to go where and how fast / slow you wanna go! And its interesting to see how fast that is!
    I'm still really working to build up cardio - I haven't really done much exercise in my adult life and was never a runner. Add to that that I am very tall - so my natural stride has me going faster than my heart and lungs are ready for. I just burn out fast...but a slower pace is really akward for me. It will come in time :) On the treadmill, I can knock out 25-28 min, and generally jog it around 4.8MPH or so. I get outside, and 15-20 min in, I'm toast....but when I look at the recap, I'm all over the board - slower when I think about it, but other segments up over 6MPH. just no control :)
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member

    I'm still really working to build up cardio - I haven't really done much exercise in my adult life and was never a runner. Add to that that I am very tall - so my natural stride has me going faster than my heart and lungs are ready for. I just burn out fast...but a slower pace is really akward for me. It will come in time :) On the treadmill, I can knock out 25-28 min, and generally jog it around 4.8MPH or so. I get outside, and 15-20 min in, I'm toast....but when I look at the recap, I'm all over the board - slower when I think about it, but other segments up over 6MPH. just no control :)

    Maybe you could try going outside once a week or two - practise makes perfect. Or maybe when you have finished c25k you can try and do it some more. :)