a brave new world

fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
I'm embarking on another phase of my life, that includes sleep overs. Not a huge deal for some, but momentous for me, having been single for a good ten years.

What does this have to do with weight/fitness?

(Bear with me, this might get convoluted - and I'm confused enough anyway. )

Well, I'm stuck on what to do, how to BE at 6:20am when there is a guest in my bed, and I am scheduled to get up, dressed and out the door. Consciously my brain says 'get up and go for your walk anyway.' The other side of me says 'you have a guest, don't desert him.'

Now I would be ok with a guy alone in my house for an hour or so, but I don't want to ...neglect him. I also don't want to NOT do something for myself that works for me. You know? Having 'someone' is still new and special-like that I don't want to ruin things (should there be things to ruin in the first place)

I know that I can go for a walk at a time there isn't someone here. Except I know myself well enough that I won't - I'm also bloody minded enough to go at 6:20 and damn the consequences.

He knows I plan on walking, and isn't inclined to join me.

How do others deal with providing for themselves and still devote time to their other half (regardless of how close you are? live in or not.) If you get up at 6am, do you go BACK to bed to 'spend time' with whoever you left in your bed?

Feel free to reply via PM if you are shy.



  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    just go out and do it. you'll regret it in yourself if you didn't.

    besides if he is worth it, he wont mind. In fact he would want you to do this for you.

    don't change for him, change for yourself.
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member
    Oh I know how tricky it can be fitting a new person into your chosen 'lifestyle'......I used to have a similar dilemma when visiting my now partner of four years.

    Luckily for me he is an active person too.

    He was/is although NOT a morning person so my early morning walks were always taken alone.

    I would disappear for a little while, some mornings I would even go for a swim in the ocean before returning 'home'.

    I most definitely then went back to bed for a while....very nice way to start the mornings :wink:

    As long as you are comfortable leaving him 'at home alone' then you should try to follow the routine you find works best, otherwise you are not honouring your own needs and this is so very important when starting in any new relationship I'm sure you would agree.

    He should admire you for doing what makes you feel good, who knows it may catch on :smile:

    Bottom line is do what feels right and have fun :happy:

  • jelanahbeth
    my husband and I have very different ideas of what time morning "starts" stick with your plan and then go back to "bed" or just have breakfast together.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    thanks for the input ladies. Most reassuring. :)