The results are getting INSANE



  • lcallbaugh
    Great timing on the post. I have been doing this for three weeks. Lost 3lbs the first week, but have gained 4lbs over the las t two weeks. Also gained a 1/2" on my waist. Thanks for the enocuragement. I will stick with it no matter what. I can't do the low cal yo-yo dieting anymore. Keep up the good work.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Brad, I'm so happy for you and your success!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I also so happy that you shared it here. I've started (half heartedly) EM2WL many months ago and finally did a full 7 week reset that ended in early July. Been at a reasonable cut since then with really no results, other than maintaining the 8# I gained during reset. Thanks to reports like yours, I'm plugging along and waiting in anticipation for results. The scale number really isn't important to me, I want less fat/more you're getting. :love:

    I do share your increased energy, better workouts, and better attitude. I suppose that, and the fact that my clothes still fit well, is better than the scale number.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I'm really glad this was so helpful. I wish I could relay how excited I am - maybe I'll make a video or something on Youtube about it. I can't really explain how sincere I am through text.

    These last few weeks were brutal on me mentally - and the last 3 days moreso than I ever imagined possible. But luckily a healthy body is helping me keep a healthy mind.

    I thought for sure this wasn't going to work and then one day I just woke up and my body was different. I am nowhere near at goal - I just think I was at starvation for SO long it took that long for my body to reset and accept the change.

    Don't give up is what I have learned. I did a hike yesterday and about 7 times I almost quit. The elevation was 1600ft in 1.5km so quite high quite fast and included rock scaling (not hiking, I scaled a rock-face... literally) and I kept thinking I was so tired I wanted to quit. But this journey has given me the mental strength to NEVER give up no matter how much I want to or think I need to. I can push through every challenge. When I reached the top of the mountain I knew I could do anything from that point forward after beating such huge mental blocks and defeatist thoughts.

    I can do anything. EM2WL did that.
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    Awesome to hear!! I'm trying my hardest to stick this thing out! I'm only going on week 3 of eating more but I know this is the right thing to do - even though that blasted scale keeps creeping up right now!! Patience is what is needed and you proved that!!
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    This is such an awesome post!! Thank you!

    I agree that the energy gained while fueling my body is 'almost' worth the weight gain... For me the scale has gone up with heavy lifting but my measurements have shifted favorably. Yes, I'd love to loose weight faster but I'd rather eat, have energy and strength knowing this is sustainable. I got to the point (prior to EM2WL) where I couldn't possibly train any more or eat any less. For most of my adult life I would find a way to loose 30 lbs then put it all back on within 2 years....again and again and again... I feel like now I can get off the roller coaster. Even if it takes months for the scale to respond, I can be patient. I truly believe this is the way to a healthier me and stay there.

    Thanks Brad for confirming what I already knew was true :)
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    Wow, fantastic post OP! Great to hear that you're so clearly seeing such great results.

    I'm also going through a phase of suddenly noticing changes in my body that are SO exciting, and I haven't even started cut yet!

    Definitely confirmation for me that this WORKS. So very awesome.

    Best of luck on the rest of your journey :)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    That is AWESOME!!!

    PLEASE send up your before and after pics with your story. Even if you are not at goal...this will help others in their journey. Please send it to

    Thanks in advance!!!