Real farm chicken

caribougal Posts: 865 Member
Hi all. Here's a plug for buying real chickens from a local farm. This is part of the paleo/primal lifestyle, but have you ever really eaten one? I'm not talking about buying organic from the market. I'm talking about buying a young whole ckicken from a local farm.

I bought a couple whole ones from the farm CSA last summer. I was shocked when I tasted it. I did not expect it to taste different... Chicken is chicken, right? But it was significantly different. Juicer. Chewier. And just generally full of flavor.

I changed CSAs this summer, and this one doesn't offer chickens, but I stopped at another farm's stand a few weeks ago and bought a frozen one. I made it today using the nomnompaleo iPad app recipe for slow cooker chicken and gravy. Really easy. But... OMG... It was so good. The recipe was great, and the farm chicken was just as I remembered... Juicy with a texture you just don't get from mass-farmed chicken.

So, if you haven't tried one, I highly recommend it.


  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    raise chickens for eggs, not for eating o.o

    i couldn't kill a pet.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    No, that would be hard for me too. Plus, my cats are skinny. My dog is lucky she's cute.
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    yes we have and you are correct, they do taste different. A little bit tougher but definitely yummy, wish they weren't so darn expensive
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I think they're chewier. Or just different somehow. Yes, crazy expensive but worth it, and you know the $$$ is going to a family and not Tyson and Montsanto.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Since moving to the Arctic, I sure do miss buying locally from farmers. Even where I am from in the Yukon, there is limited farming but one can still get cold-tolerant and greenhouse veggies in the summer and there are local producers of free range chickens/eggs, goats, bison, elk, beef, etc.

    I could eat my pets. I think all animals are entitled to a happy life, especially if we raise and eat them. I look forward to having an acreage some day where I can raise my own happy animals and grow my own food. My big dream. lol