My First Week With MFP

FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
This has been a challenge, of no surprise, lol.

I started out well enough but had to take a pause because of well...real life events. I made a commitment to begin this again today, the first day of the week. It allowed me a couple days to get my emotional self into check and now I think I am ready to tackle this challenge again. I also reset my weight loss goal. I kept looking at my original entry and it seemed so HUGE. So, I reset it to a 5lb loss goal. Now that I can handle....and I think that is how I am going to approach it...5lbs at a time. I may lose those 5lbs quickly or slow, but I will lose them. I am determined!

Today, I was pleasantly surprised with weigh-in. I had lost 1.5lbs this week! Yay me! I'm going to do it! I notice the ticker tape rounds up, but that's okay.


  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Hi and well done. See thats why you have to keep on going, nice surprises just waiting to happen.

    Hope you are having a good day x
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    I am new here,
    but, i love it and feel MFP is helping me focus on my caloric intake,
    and find the very act of logging my food
    every bite, every condiment, every liquid, everything,
    just logging it all,
    is causing changes in how i see my ktichen now.

    For first time in my whole life,
    i am becoming much much more aware of how MUCH i eat---> the portion sizes.
    NOW, i at least eyeball the food, if not actually measure it, to be able to log it later on.

    I am becoming more aware of calorie-dense foods.
    i am getting eyes like that scene in the Terminator movie, where the alien guy scans a room and sees numbers/facts/measurements,
    that is kind of how i see tables of food now:laugh:
    my eyes look at a table and register this: "item in this bowl is probably about 300 cal per cup, item in this bowl is about 100 ca per cup." etc etc.

    I am now eager and more eager, to weigh myself, to see if another few ounces has come off yet.,
    focusing on one day at a time,
    instead of looking at the wholllllllllle pile of weight i have yet to lose.
    I feel good to lose a few ounces,:drinker: instead of thinking, "aw geez, i still have 28 more pounds of fat on me." :sad:

    I am becoming more focused on, what i eat = what i weigh,
    and which types of food are best for me.

    Becoming aware of how many calories i have left for the day, has helped me (more than once), NOT eat something i normally would have eaten.
    sometimes, late in the evening, i run to computer, log all my food, to see if there are enough calories to eat this snack, or not.

    never did THAT before!! ha ha!! i AM going to make to my goal weight, and am going to become a healthier more active person again.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    I try to plan my meals and snacks a little in advance so if the balance is way out I try to change what I was going to have. But you dont have to remember everything all at once. Taking a little at a time is a good idea, you can see what has worked or maybe where you can make a few changes. Its all a learning curve and none of it is wrong. Thats how I try to see it. Hope you are having a good day.