
Hi I'm new to this group and I wanted to see what is a reset? Here is a tid bit about my story. I currently am stuck at my same weight for about 7 months plus or minus the same damn 2 pounds. Really? So I upped my calories because I think my body went into starvation mode. But now I"m gaining some. WTH? I'm working out regularly about 4-6 times a week. So we are very active. What do I need to do. I'm down to the last 30 pounds!

On the up side of this I have stayed down from the 90 I lost several years ago. Help ME! :)


    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    The reset is a break from eating at a reduced calorie diet. It is done if you have come from a VLCD (very low calorie diet, less than BMR net). It is done for a 6-12 week period (most do 8 weeks) of eating at TDEE. Most people gain weight for the first couple of weeks, then level off. Most people feel stuffed/bloated for the first week or 2, then have a ravenous hunger.
    A diet break is done every 4-6 weeks of cut, going back to TDEE for a week. This prevents your body from slowing down the fat loss (plateau).

    This is a life style, not a "quick weight loss". Most people don't see a loss right away (as you body adjusts to being properly fed). See the sticky about upping cals.

    I don't know how much you're eating as you only said you "upped your calories", but use the Scooby site to figure out your BMR, TDEE, and cut:

    also, here's the new site for more info:

    Good luck!