Bacon-topped salmon

I made a delicous low-carb fish dish for supper tonight. I call it Bacon-topped Salmon.

It's pretty simple, really. Top a piece of salmon with one or two slices of bacon and cook at 400F until the fish is just about ready.

Then put the fish under the broiler for 3 or 4 minutes to crisp up the bacon.

Pictures on my blog:


  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    I agree.

    I few weeks ago I made bacon wrapped shrimp/water chestnuts, that were marinated in soy sauce.
    When they were done cooking I slathered bacon drippings all over a salmon fillet and then grilled it .

    It was the best salmon I've ever prepared.

    Your method sounds great, especially when bacon fat is not just hanging around.
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    I haven't had it, but have heard rave reviews about trout wrapped in chicken skin, one day I might give it a try, although salmon and bacon sounds much easier :)
  • eddierichardson73
    eddierichardson73 Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds great going to try this myybe tonight. Thanks