Two Weeks, Homestretch challenges!

VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
Alright guys, hope this helps you in your second to last week!

1. Learn something/try something you've been too scared to/putting off. This is vague, I know, but for me this has been in the past learning to do a flip turn in the pool, or standing on the spinning bikes. Push yourself in some way you are afraid to!

2. Dance by yourself! Just for fun, blast your favorite song, belt it out and act like an idiot. Doesn't have to be a work out, just for fun!

3. Eat salad at least once a day!

4. Try a new group class if you can, or a new video.

5. Make a list of why you are beautiful, and have at least 3 things on that list that are physical. :)