Fat intake ladies!



  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I need to find ways to sneak more fat into my diet. Normally my weight refuses to budge at all (I have hypothyroid, as well as having IBD) but on the days I eat a lot of fat I actually lose. Other than keeping a jar of coconut oil and a spoon in my desk at work, I just need some creative ways to load that stuff in my belly because I KNOW I'm not getting what I should be.

    I add fat to almost all my veggies, and if I'm eating a leaner meat, too. Coconut oil + chicken breast on a salad = yum! That's my dressing. Coconut milk in my coffee (when I have some; I need to go get more). Avocados! I mix that in my salads, too. Or top my chicken & veggies with avocado. Nuts are good, too. Fatty cuts of meat & BACON. :love:
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    My macros are 65 fat, 25 protein, and 10 carb. A higher fat diet (lots of healthy fat imo) works wonders for me.

    This is what I too strive for but tend to keep my carbs slightly lower, closer to 5-7%

    Since MFP doesn't deduct the fiber, I'm probably at about that too. I'm happy when my carbs don't go over 20-25 after I subtract fiber. I've noticed that there are some salads in the database that don't give me macros; I kinda wish people wouldn't add stuff unless they have all the nutritional info. It makes for some very long, frustrating searches! lol
  • Lyndseed
    Lyndseed Posts: 79 Member
    50% fat, 30% each protein and carbs
    Though I look at the protein goal as one to meet/exceed, and the carbs as a number to stay under. Usually it works out to more like 55% F, 30% P, 25% C.